• Abdul Jabbar Niffari Examining the Characteristics of “Sufi-Deconstructed Text" Corresponding to Abdul Jabbar Niffari’s Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabaat [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Abn Tofyl Character Analysis "ne" and "Hayy" in molana NyNamh poems and stories and hayy BnYqzan Abn Tofyl [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 177-206]

  • Abolghassem Qushayri Al-Risala al-Qushayriyya and its influence on one of the tenth century (A.H.) Sufistic texts [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 7-21]

  • Abraham Maslow Representation and Analysis of Populist Structures in the Practical and Intellectual Life of Abu Sa’id Abu al-Kheir: Adopting Abraham Maslow's Theory of Self-actualization [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 9-39]

  • Abu Abdollah Neffari Mystical Theology in Abu Abdollah Neffari’s Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabaat [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 99-130]

  • Abu Abdollah Neffari Investigating the Characteristics of “This World’s Man” in Al-Mawaqef and Al-Mukhatabat by Abu Abdollah Neffari [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 71-100]

  • Abu Saeed Abu al-Khair Assessing the Views of Abu Saeed Abu al-Khair and Krishna Murti on Resolving Meaning Crisis [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 149-177]

  • Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair Struggle with Self in the Direct Quotations of Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair in Asrar al-Tawhid [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 169-196]

  • Abu Sai’d Abual-Kheir Representation and Analysis of Populist Structures in the Practical and Intellectual Life of Abu Sa’id Abu al-Kheir: Adopting Abraham Maslow's Theory of Self-actualization [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 9-39]

  • Active Intellect An Analysis of Image-Reading of Sun from Propositions of Active Intellect and Light of All Lights in Suhrawardi’s Symbolic Treatises [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 131-161]

  • Aesthetic Analysis A Cognitive Analysis of Mathnavi's Arabic Poems [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 43-70]

  • Afghanistan Manifestation of Love Theme in the Contemporary Mystical Poetry of Afghanistan Based on the Poetry of Majnon Shah Kabuli, Mastan Shah Kabuli and Heydari Wojodi [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 71-102]

  • Ahmad-e Jam The Epistemological Analysis of the Spiritual Feats of Sheikh Ahmad-e Jam “The Colossal Elephant” (Zhandeh Pil) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 111-140]

  • Ahmad Qazzāli The Circular Structure of Savāneh al-Oshāq by Ahmad Qazzāli [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 56-81]

  • Ajam dervishes The Influence of Sufi Elements on Shahnameh Narrative (Naghali) Texts [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 36-65]

  • Aladdin Mohammad Shams-e Tabrizi, Absence or Martyrdom? (based on old sources specially Molana Maktoobat ) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 73-103]

  • Al-Ghazali Comparing allegorical narratives of "Elephant in the city of the blind" from Sanaei and Ghazali with respect to the theory of hypertextuality [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 153-176]

  • Al-Ghazali A Comparative Study of the Mystical Ontologies of Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali and Bahā'-i Walad [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 9-37]

  • Alkashf an Manazil al-Saerin Trilogy of “Islam”, “Faith”, and “Ihsan” from the Viewpoint of Khwaja Yusuf Hamadani: Based on his Newly-found manuscript, Alkashf [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 67-95]

  • Allameh Seyed Heydar Amoli Explicating the Relationship between the Genesis Book and the Compilation Book in the Mystic-Qur'anic Thoughts of Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari and Allameh Seyed Heydar Amoli [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 57-80]

  • Al-loma Position of “Sama” in the Mystical Texts before the Fifth Century AH [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 111-133]

  • Al-Mawaqef and Al-Mukhatabat Investigating the Characteristics of “This World’s Man” in Al-Mawaqef and Al-Mukhatabat by Abu Abdollah Neffari [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 71-100]

  • Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabat Examining the Characteristics of “Sufi-Deconstructed Text" Corresponding to Abdul Jabbar Niffari’s Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabaat [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabat Mystical Theology in Abu Abdollah Neffari’s Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabaat [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 99-130]

  • Analytical psychology An Analysis of the Existential Domains of Shams Tabrizi Through the Examination of Shams Tabrizi's Maghalat [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 73-98]

  • Analytical Study The Analytical Study of Hagiographies in Khorasan and Qumis Regions from the 4th to the 8th Century AH [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 71-108]

  • Anecdotes of Pir Changi Mystical Experience in “Boundary Situation” and Its Reflection in Mathnawi (A Case Study of the Anecdotes of Pir Changi and Moses and the Shepherd) [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 51-78]

  • Animal Symbols An Analysis of Mevlana's Mental Patterns in Animal Symbolization [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 161-195]

  • Anthropology Political Consequences of Ayn al-Qudat Al-Hamadani’s Conceptualization of “Predestination and Free Will” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-76]

  • Anvar Almorshedieh Method of Mahmoud Ebn Othman's Biography Writing [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 123-161]

  • Anxiety Knowledge and Boundary Situations in Mowlavi's Mathnavi [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 83-117]

  • Anxiety Types of Anxiety in Attar's Thought and Works [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 157-188]

  • Anxiety Analysis of the relationship between perfectionism and anxiety in Attar's works and thoughts [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 35-61]

  • Arabic poem Paradox in Ibn Arabi’s Divan-e-Kabir [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 73-95]

  • Arabic Poems A Cognitive Analysis of Mathnavi's Arabic Poems [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 43-70]

  • Arais-al-Bayan exegesis Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Archetypal characters Archetypes in Sohrevardī’s Ghessat al-Ghorbat al-Gharbiya [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 49-72]

  • Archetypal situations Archetypes in Sohrevardī’s Ghessat al-Ghorbat al-Gharbiya [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 49-72]

  • Archetype The Universal Symbol of a Unique Archetype in Mystical Culture [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 181-207]

  • Archetype Mythological Criticism of Seir al-Ibad I1 al- Maad [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 121-148]

  • Archetype The Archetype of Ascent and the Structural Relationship between Miraj Nameh and Conference of the Birds in Early Modern Literature and Islamic Mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 169-197]

  • Ascending movement Vertical Schema (Descending/Ascending) in Attar’s Mantegh-o Teir (The Conference of Birds) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 119-144]

  • Ascent The Structure and Mystical Themes In Attar's Mathnavi of Musibat-Nama [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 135-159]

  • Asraar al-Tawhid Re-reading of Mystical Anecdotes of Asrar al-Tawhid through Positive Psychology Approach [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 7-32]

  • Asrar al-Tawhid Struggle with Self in the Direct Quotations of Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair in Asrar al-Tawhid [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 169-196]

  • Attar Narrator function and narrative operation in Attar’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 81-122]

  • Attar Transformation of metaphor of Love from Sanai to Rumi [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 43-80]

  • Attar Mythical – scientific reload the theory of particles in the mystical poems of Attar [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 175-205]

  • Attar Mantiq Ut-Tair and Traveling in Time or Traveling in Parallel Universes in Modern Physics [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 111-132]

  • Attar Existence and Death in the Light of Attar's Intuitive Experiences [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 139-161]

  • Attar The Study of Common Mystic and Gnostic Themes in Attar’s Poems [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 95-117]

  • Attar Analysis of the relationship between perfectionism and anxiety in Attar's works and thoughts [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 35-61]

  • Attar Innovative symbols and pseudo-symbols in Attar's Mosibat nameh [(Articles in Press)]

  • Attar Negative and Positive Resistance in Attar's Tadhkerat al-Awliya [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 165-193]

  • Attar Neishabouri The Meaning of Life in Attar Neishabouri’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 65-90]

  • Attar Neyshabouri Studying the Inexpressibility Obstacles of Mystical Experiences in Masnavies by Attar (Ilahi-Nama, Mantiq al-Tair, Mosibat-Nama) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 59-83]

  • Attar Neyshabouri Notes on Recording of Some Words and Phrases of Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 117-137]

  • Attar Neyshaburi Narrative Quatrain (Ruba’i) in Attar's Mokhtarnameh [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 57-82]

  • Attar Neyshaburi Criticism on the Theme of Angels' Deprivation of Love in Hafez Poetry [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 133-162]

  • Attar Neyshaburi Critiquing and Analyzing the Interpretive Model of Harut and Marut in Sheikh San’aan Story Based on Gérard Genette’s Hypertextuality Theory [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 177-203]

  • Attar Nishaburi Types of Anxiety in Attar's Thought and Works [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 157-188]

  • Attar-related studies Studying the Record of Attar-related Studies in Persian Articles (from 1300 SH to 1395 SH) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 7-32]

  • Attar’s Mantegh-o Teir Vertical Schema (Descending/Ascending) in Attar’s Mantegh-o Teir (The Conference of Birds) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 119-144]

  • Attar's Mantiq-ut-Tayr Attar's Interaction and Confrontation with the Principles of Philosophical Mysticism [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 141-182]

  • Attar sonnets The Study of Common Mystic and Gnostic Themes in Attar’s Poems [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 95-117]

  • Attraction and Striving Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]

  • Authoritarianism The Logic of Digression in Mathnavi: Explanatory Style and the Authority of the Narrator/Author [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 141-165]

  • Avicenna Revisiting the Secret of the First Admonition of the Ninth Namat of Esharat O-Tanbihat in Refusing the Ascription of Salaman O-Absal to Avicenna [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 33-56]

  • Avicenna's Risalat-ut-Tayr Attar's Interaction and Confrontation with the Principles of Philosophical Mysticism [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 141-182]

  • Awliya Representing the Emancipation Metanarrative of Islamic Mysticism in the Discourse and Narrative of Attar’s Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 43-72]

  • Ayn al-Qudat Hamadani Political Implications in Ayn-al-Qudat Hamadani’s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 121-147]

  • Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani From Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Arc to Tripartite Interpretive Stages in the Thought and Works of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 9-35]

  • Ayn al-Quzāt Hamadānī The Portrait of Muhammad (pbuh) in Ayn al-Quzāt’s Works [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 25-48]

  • Ayn al-Quzat Hamdani Critical Discourse Analysis of Tamhidat by Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani (Through Norman Fairclough’s Approach) [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 77-103]

  • Ayyari discourse Analyzing the Utopian Components of Chivalry (Futuwwat) Discourses [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 37-75]

  • Aziz Nasafi Existence and its Levels from Aziz Nasafi Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 93-121]

  • Aziz Nasafi Nasafi's view of mystic's journey [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 65-84]

  • Aziz Nasafi A Method of Explaining Mystical Tradition and Disposition (Case Study: Aziz Nasafi) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 171-202]


  • Bābā Jafar Abharī Bābā Jafar Abharī and Ādāb al-Foqarā’ [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 105-125]

  • Baha Conceptual Metaphor of Growth in Baha-e Valad’s Ma’arif [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 137-172]

  • Bahā-e Valad Method’s of Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an in Bahā-e Valad’s Maāref [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 65-85]

  • Bahā'-i Walad A Comparative Study of the Mystical Ontologies of Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali and Bahā'-i Walad [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 9-37]

  • Beautiful (jamali) Attributes of God Comparative Study of Beautiful (Jamal) Names of God in the Mystical Texts of the Fourth and Sixth Centuries (A.H): The Cases of Kashf al-Mahjub and Rawh al-Arwah [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 27-55]

  • Belief Distance between Faith and Belief in Rumi's Theory [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 141-168]

  • Beshr-e Hafi Residence and Spatiality: The Analysis of Beshr-e Hafi’s Life in Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 35-53]

  • Bidel Dehlavi Annihilation, Survival, Union and Connection in Bidel Dehlavi’s Poetry [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 65-91]

  • Bidel Dehlavi The compare Telesm-e Hayrat by Bidel and Safar-nāma-ye Rūḥ by Fuzuli [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 85-114]

  • Bidel Dehlavi The concept of "unity" in Masnavis of Rumi and Bidel Dehlavi based on conceptual metaphor [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 143-183]

  • Binary Oppositions The Fall of Oppositions and the Originality of Relative Attitude in the Thought System of Molavi [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 153-181]

  • Black light The Portrait of Muhammad (pbuh) in Ayn al-Quzāt’s Works [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 25-48]

  • Black light Black light in islamic misticism [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 209-239]

  • Boasting The Content and Language Analysis of a Unique Boasting by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Narrated by Najmeddin Razi [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 101-121]

  • Boundary situation Knowledge and Boundary Situations in Mowlavi's Mathnavi [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 83-117]

  • Brahman On Mystical Behavior in Persian Poetry of Chandarbahan Brahman [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 83-110]

  • Buber Analysis of the relationship between "Man and God" in mysthical heritage Abolhasan Khargani Inspired by the idea of the "I" and "you" Martin Buber [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 43-73]

  • Bundahishn The reflection of “Mirror” Symbol in Myth & Mysticism According to Bundahishn and Mersad al-ebad [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 143-174]


  • Cavern Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Chaharchaman On Mystical Behavior in Persian Poetry of Chandarbahan Brahman [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 83-110]

  • Championship (Pahlevani) discourse Analyzing the Utopian Components of Chivalry (Futuwwat) Discourses [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 37-75]

  • Character Character Analysis "ne" and "Hayy" in molana NyNamh poems and stories and hayy BnYqzan Abn Tofyl [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 177-206]

  • Character Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Characterization Storytelling Style in Kashf al-Mahjūb’s Short Tales [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 87-113]

  • Characterization Hero and Anti-Hero: The Characterization of Iblis in Attar Nishaburi's Tazkerat al-Awliya [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 117-142]

  • Charles Sanders Peirce The investigation of semiosis of alphabetic letters in Sansyi’s Divan [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 7-42]

  • Child Analysis of Children's Stories Containing Theosophical Themes: A Case Study [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 55-83]

  • Children mystical story Analysis of Children's Stories Containing Theosophical Themes: A Case Study [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 55-83]

  • Children’s literature Analysis of Children's Stories Containing Theosophical Themes: A Case Study [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 55-83]

  • Chivalry (Futuwwat) Analyzing the Utopian Components of Chivalry (Futuwwat) Discourses [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 37-75]

  • Christianity The Common Function of Myth and Mysticism [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 149-168]

  • Circle Point and Circle in Persian Mystical Literature Based on Ibn Arabi's School [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 163-182]

  • Classical Literature Bahr al-Mahabba fi Asrār al-Mavadda: Literary-Mystical Interpretation of Surah Yusuf (PBUH) and New Insights about It [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Code Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]

  • Codes The Role of Codes of Mysticism and Sufism in Poetic Imageries and Themes of Seyyed Hassan Hosseini [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 149-174]

  • Compact Narration Semantic-Structural Unraveling of a Complex Sonnet of Hafez [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 71-99]

  • Compilation Book Explicating the Relationship between the Genesis Book and the Compilation Book in the Mystic-Qur'anic Thoughts of Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari and Allameh Seyed Heydar Amoli [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 57-80]

  • Conceptual metaphor s Conceptual Metaphor of Growth in Baha-e Valad’s Ma’arif [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 137-172]

  • Consciousness Analyzing the Concept of “Transcendental Ego” In Sawaneh [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 33-64]

  • Consciousness Obstacles And Results Of Internal Movement in Mystical Intuition of Mawllana(with emphasis on masnawe) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 181-208]

  • Constructivism Transcendent wisdom from structuralism to post-structuralism [(Articles in Press)]

  • Contemporary poetry The Role of Codes of Mysticism and Sufism in Poetic Imageries and Themes of Seyyed Hassan Hosseini [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 149-174]

  • Contextualization Studying Mystic Waaqeah and Its Symbolism as a Religious Experience [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 39-69]

  • Contradiction Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]

  • Contrast Analysis of Contrastive Macro-Symbols in Mathnavi and Ghazaliat of Shams: The Case Study of “Lion” and “Sun” Macro- Symbols [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 31-64]

  • Conversation A dialectical discourse on Attar’s ellahinameh [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 75-108]

  • Counter- discourse Investigating the Functions of Counter - discourse in the Story of Sheikh Sanan [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 41-69]

  • Course and conduct Khwaja Abdullah Ansari and Najmuddin Kobra, recognition of two different patterns in the first mystical tradition [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 109-136]

  • Covering errors Application of Michael Riffaterre's Poetry Reading Model in Settling the Disputes over the Verse “Our Guide Said ‘the Pen That Designed Creation Committed No Mistakes …’ by Hafez [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 153-183]

  • Cow Like a Lion in the Image of a Cow ((A Study on Theophanies in Mevlana’s Works [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 133-158]

  • Crisis of meaninglessness Assessing the Views of Abu Saeed Abu al-Khair and Krishna Murti on Resolving Meaning Crisis [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 149-177]

  • Critical editing of the text Introducing Manuscripts of Safinat-ul-Auliya by Dara Shikoh and the Necessity of Editing It [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 151-175]

  • Cultural typology Examination of the Semiosphere of Mysticism and Islamic Sufism in Kashf-ol-Mahjub [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 9-37]


  • Daghoughi Daghoughi, the Postmodern Metafiction [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 65-93]

  • Daqhughi's story analysis of components of mystical experience in the story of Daqhughi using the theory of Walter Stace and William James. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Dara Shikoh Introducing Manuscripts of Safinat-ul-Auliya by Dara Shikoh and the Necessity of Editing It [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 151-175]

  • Death Fear of Death in Attar’s Writings [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-92]

  • Death Studying the Evolutionary Concept of Death in Rumi's Poetry based on Cognitive Metaphor Theory in Cultural Model of Great Chain Metaphor [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 7-29]

  • Death Existence and Death in the Light of Attar's Intuitive Experiences [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 139-161]

  • Deconstructed text Examining the Characteristics of “Sufi-Deconstructed Text" Corresponding to Abdul Jabbar Niffari’s Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabaat [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Decontextualism Transcendent wisdom from structuralism to post-structuralism [(Articles in Press)]

  • Defacement Facement and Defacement in Sufi Narratives [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 103-128]

  • Determinism and free will Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]

  • Deze Hooshroba ( Reason robber castle ) A Contemplation on Completion or Incompletion of Mathnavi [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 31-74]

  • Dhul-Nun Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Didactic and mystical masnavis Morphology of Didactic and Mystic Masnavis Based on Literary Traditions (From the Beginning to the End of the 7th Century AH) [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 101-139]

  • Digressions The Logic of Digression in Mathnavi: Explanatory Style and the Authority of the Narrator/Author [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 141-165]

  • Discourse Representing the Emancipation Metanarrative of Islamic Mysticism in the Discourse and Narrative of Attar’s Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 43-72]

  • Discourse Investigating the Functions of Counter - discourse in the Story of Sheikh Sanan [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 41-69]

  • Discourse Analyzing the Lexical Elements of Ibn Arabi’s Tarjumān al-Ashwāq Based on the Environmental Linguistics Approach [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 45-69]

  • Discourse aesthetics The Aesthetic System of Discourse in the Interaction of Sound and Light: Based on the Story of “Halima’s Asking Help of the Idols” [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 145-170]

  • Discourse analysis Content Analysis of "Qazor wa Khar" Anecdote in Mathnavi [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 105-131]

  • Discourse transformation Convergence of Two Jurisprudential and Theosophical Discourses in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah, Mantiq al-Tair and Masnavi Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 163-188]

  • Dīvān-e Shams A Study on Rumi-Attributed Ghazals in Two Ancient Jungs [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 33-49]

  • Divine decree and destiny Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]

  • Divine Deposit Criticism on the Theme of Angels' Deprivation of Love in Hafez Poetry [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 133-162]

  • Divine love theory Studying the Flow of Divine Love Theory in Persian Mystical Texts: From Advent to the Ninth Century (AH) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 23-54]

  • Dordi-e-Dard Criticism on the Theme of Angels' Deprivation of Love in Hafez Poetry [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 133-162]

  • Dramatic Narration Time is Needed for Blood to Change to Milk (Shams Tabrizi's Birth from the Blood of Hossein Ibn Mansour Halaj in One Ta’zieh Script) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 167-182]

  • Drunken camel in the desert anecdote The Refutation of An Appraisal based of Sanai's Semiology [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 7-21]

  • Dual states of seclusion Semiology of Nizami’s States of Seclusion in Makhzan al-Asrar [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 55-81]


  • Eblīs The Portrait of Muhammad (pbuh) in Ayn al-Quzāt’s Works [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 25-48]

  • Edmund Husserl The Components of Husserl’s Phenomenology in the Epistemology of Mathnavi Ma'navi [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 173-204]

  • Ego The Other as Ego: Shams and Rumi's Relationship from Jacques Lacan's Viewpoint [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 95-114]

  • Eighth century Criticisms of Shāh Ne'matollāh Vali in the Fields of Sufism, Philosophy, and Speculative Theology [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 151-180]

  • Elahi Nameh Studying the Inexpressibility Obstacles of Mystical Experiences in Masnavies by Attar (Ilahi-Nama, Mantiq al-Tair, Mosibat-Nama) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 59-83]

  • Eliade Analysis of the Application of Eliade’s Mythical View in Safvat al-Safa by Ibn-e Bazaz Ardabili [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 81-105]

  • Emotional language of Rumi Hymn – Stories in Masnavi [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 131-152]

  • Epistemology Idea and Imagination in Rumi’s Thought [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 123-150]

  • Epistemology The Components of Husserl’s Phenomenology in the Epistemology of Mathnavi Ma'navi [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 173-204]

  • Epistemology Investigating Khuransan Mysticism in 9th Century AH from the Perspective of Jonun al Majanin [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 109-152]

  • Epistemology Barriers to cognition in maulana’s masnavi [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 115-142]

  • Esharat O-Tanbihat Revisiting the Secret of the First Admonition of the Ninth Namat of Esharat O-Tanbihat in Refusing the Ascription of Salaman O-Absal to Avicenna [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 33-56]

  • Eshrāgh philosophy The Transmutation and the Mystical and Literary Function of Illumination [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 159-195]

  • Evolution Studying the Evolutionary Concept of Death in Rumi's Poetry based on Cognitive Metaphor Theory in Cultural Model of Great Chain Metaphor [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 7-29]

  • Exemplary truth The Emergence of Exemplary Truth” on the Way of Intuition of “Human Truth”: With an Emphasis on Sharafuddin Manyari's Viewpoint in “Ma'dan-ul-Ma'ani” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 133-150]

  • Existence experience Re-reading of Mystical Anecdotes of Asrar al-Tawhid through Positive Psychology Approach [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 7-32]

  • Existence Levels Existence and its Levels from Aziz Nasafi Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 93-121]

  • Existential domains An Analysis of the Existential Domains of Shams Tabrizi Through the Examination of Shams Tabrizi's Maghalat [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 73-98]

  • Existentialism Journey: The Lived Experience An Existentialist Reading of Life-Journey Model of Flying Shams [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 129-151]

  • Explanatory Style The Logic of Digression in Mathnavi: Explanatory Style and the Authority of the Narrator/Author [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 141-165]

  • Eye of certainty Eye of the Heart, Eye of Insight, Eye of Certainty in Mohī al-Dīn Ibn Arabī’s Writings [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 115-132]

  • Eye of insight Eye of the Heart, Eye of Insight, Eye of Certainty in Mohī al-Dīn Ibn Arabī’s Writings [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 115-132]


  • Fanā (Annihilation of the Soul) And Baqā (Subsistence of The Soul) The Book Tahghighat by Khwaja Mohammad Parsa and His Mystical and Rhetorical Views [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 153-174]

  • Farid-al-Din Mohammad Attar Neyshaboori Interpretability of the Concept of Infidelity in Mystical Thought: The Case of Attar’s Sheikh Sanan Story [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 67-94]

  • Farid al-Din Mohammad Attar Neyshabouri Studying the Record of Attar-related Studies in Persian Articles (from 1300 SH to 1395 SH) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 7-32]

  • Favaed Al-Fuad The Analysis of Intertextual Relationships between the Subcontinent Malfuzats and Majalis: The Case Study of Majalis-e Sab’e and Favaed Al-Fuad [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 69-99]

  • Ferdows al-Murshediyeh Examining Intertextuality between Ferdows al-Murshediyeh and Religious and Mystical Texts: Based on Al-Risala al-Qushayriyya [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 39-65]

  • Fidelity and faith Interpretability of the Concept of Infidelity in Mystical Thought: The Case of Attar’s Sheikh Sanan Story [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 67-94]

  • First mystical tradition A Method of Explaining Mystical Tradition and Disposition (Case Study: Aziz Nasafi) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 171-202]

  • First mystical tradition Khwaja Abdullah Ansari and Najmuddin Kobra, recognition of two different patterns in the first mystical tradition [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 109-136]

  • Foucault Negative and Positive Resistance in Attar's Tadhkerat al-Awliya [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 165-193]

  • Free will Political Consequences of Ayn al-Qudat Al-Hamadani’s Conceptualization of “Predestination and Free Will” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-76]

  • Furūzanfar A Critical Analysis of Konya’s Manuscript of Kolliyat Shams The Konya’s Manuscript or Furūzanfar’s Correction? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 143-179]


  • Gabriel Is Reason a Valid Source for Man? An Interpretation of Two Distiches of Sanai's Hadiqa [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 131-150]

  • Gadamer Rumi's Treating Linguistic and Non-linguistic Phenomena in Aflaki Managhebol al-Arefeen [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 83-110]

  • General Diplomacy Mystical Diplomacy: Reviewing Shah Hamadan’s Influential Presence in Kashmir [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 107-127]

  • Genesis Book Explicating the Relationship between the Genesis Book and the Compilation Book in the Mystic-Qur'anic Thoughts of Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari and Allameh Seyed Heydar Amoli [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 57-80]

  • Genett The Analysis of Intertextual Relationships between the Subcontinent Malfuzats and Majalis: The Case Study of Majalis-e Sab’e and Favaed Al-Fuad [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 69-99]

  • Genette Analysis of Transtextual relation between The Conference of the Birds by Peter Sis and Attar's Mantiq al-Tair [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 85-115]

  • Ghaleh-ye-zat- al- sovar (The castle with pictures) A Contemplation on Completion or Incompletion of Mathnavi [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 31-74]

  • Ghazali Permissibility of Sama’ According to Ibn Qaysarani and Ghazali [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Ghazaliat of Shams Analysis of Contrastive Macro-Symbols in Mathnavi and Ghazaliat of Shams: The Case Study of “Lion” and “Sun” Macro- Symbols [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 31-64]

  • Gilbert Durand From Mystics’ Imaginary to Gilbert Durand’s Imagination [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 7-33]

  • Gnosticism The Study of Common Mystic and Gnostic Themes in Attar’s Poems [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 95-117]

  • Gnostics God in Gnostics' Dreams [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 93-114]

  • Gnostic texts The Influence of Invocation in Progress on the Way to Allah [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 29-64]

  • Gnostic texts Manifestation of Hadith-e Avāel in Literary and Mystical Texts (3 to 10 C.) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 41-64]

  • God The Unity of Being in Mīkha’īl Naīma’s Hams al-Jufon [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 121-142]

  • God Meaning of Life from Ibn Arabi’s Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 151-169]

  • God Analysis of the relationship between "Man and God" in mysthical heritage Abolhasan Khargani Inspired by the idea of the "I" and "you" Martin Buber [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 43-73]

  • God A Comparative Study of the Mystical Ontologies of Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali and Bahā'-i Walad [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 9-37]

  • Golshan-e Rāz The Reading of Golshan-e Rāz’s Exegetes of the Fixed Essences and Its Comparison with Ibn Arabī's Views [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 155-180]

  • Goran's holy texts Examining the Concept of Revelation and Testimony in the Poetry and Discourse of Nowruz Sorani (The Holy Texts of Goran) Based on Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Phenomenological Method [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-67]

  • Great Chain Metaphor Studying the Evolutionary Concept of Death in Rumi's Poetry based on Cognitive Metaphor Theory in Cultural Model of Great Chain Metaphor [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 7-29]

  • Greimas A Study on Narrative Structure of Fi Haqiqat al-'Ishq (On the Reality of Love) Treatise by Suhrawardi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 33-58]

  • Greimas Comparative Analysis of Actantial Model in Suhrawardi’s Persian Epistles from the Perspective of Greimas [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 9-43]

  • Growth metaphors Conceptual Metaphor of Growth in Baha-e Valad’s Ma’arif [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 137-172]

  • Guilds discourse Analyzing the Utopian Components of Chivalry (Futuwwat) Discourses [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 37-75]

  • Gulshan-i Raz Qualitative and Quantitative Content Analysis of Gulshan-i Raz by Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 80-105]


  • Hadighah Exploring Interpretation and its Different Levels in Sanai’s Hadighah [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 33-64]

  • Hadiqa The Refutation of An Appraisal based of Sanai's Semiology [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 7-21]

  • Hadiqah al-Haqiqah Convergence of Two Jurisprudential and Theosophical Discourses in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah, Mantiq al-Tair and Masnavi Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 163-188]

  • Hadiqat al-Haqiqah Analysis of Anecdote Functions in Sanai’s Hadiqat and Their Correspondence to Randall’s Theory [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 63-87]

  • Hadith Permissibility of Sama’ According to Ibn Qaysarani and Ghazali [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Hadith of Gabriel Trilogy of “Islam”, “Faith”, and “Ihsan” from the Viewpoint of Khwaja Yusuf Hamadani: Based on his Newly-found manuscript, Alkashf [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 67-95]

  • Hafez Criticism on the Theme of Angels' Deprivation of Love in Hafez Poetry [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 133-162]

  • Hafez Shirazi Application of Michael Riffaterre's Poetry Reading Model in Settling the Disputes over the Verse “Our Guide Said ‘the Pen That Designed Creation Committed No Mistakes …’ by Hafez [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 153-183]

  • Hafez Sonnet Semantic-Structural Unraveling of a Complex Sonnet of Hafez [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 71-99]

  • Hagiography Introducing Manuscripts of Safinat-ul-Auliya by Dara Shikoh and the Necessity of Editing It [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 151-175]

  • Hagiography The Analytical Study of Hagiographies in Khorasan and Qumis Regions from the 4th to the 8th Century AH [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 71-108]

  • Halima’s Asking Help of the Idols in Mathnavi The Aesthetic System of Discourse in the Interaction of Sound and Light: Based on the Story of “Halima’s Asking Help of the Idols” [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 145-170]

  • Hallaj Critical analysis of narrative of Hallaj's life and death in the discourse of revolutionary / left [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 7-43]

  • Hams al-Jufon The Unity of Being in Mīkha’īl Naīma’s Hams al-Jufon [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 121-142]

  • Handwritten Jung (Literary Miscellany) A Study on Rumi-Attributed Ghazals in Two Ancient Jungs [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 33-49]

  • Handwritten Manuscript The Book Tahghighat by Khwaja Mohammad Parsa and His Mystical and Rhetorical Views [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 153-174]

  • Happiness Re-reading of Mystical Anecdotes of Asrar al-Tawhid through Positive Psychology Approach [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 7-32]

  • Harut and Marut Critiquing and Analyzing the Interpretive Model of Harut and Marut in Sheikh San’aan Story Based on Gérard Genette’s Hypertextuality Theory [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 177-203]

  • Heidegger Residence and Spatiality: The Analysis of Beshr-e Hafi’s Life in Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 35-53]

  • Henry Corbin Criteria for Distinguishing the Discontinuous Imaginal Universe Events: Employing Henry Corbin’s Method in Tazkirat-al-Awliā [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 157-173]

  • Hereafter Fear of Death in Attar’s Writings [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-92]

  • Hermeneutic phenomenology Examining the Concept of Revelation and Testimony in the Poetry and Discourse of Nowruz Sorani (The Holy Texts of Goran) Based on Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Phenomenological Method [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-67]

  • Hermeneutics Method’s of Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an in Bahā-e Valad’s Maāref [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 65-85]

  • Hermeneutics Shams Tabrīzī and His Esoteric Interpretation of Prophetic Hadīth [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 73-104]

  • Hermeneutics From Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Arc to Tripartite Interpretive Stages in the Thought and Works of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 9-35]

  • Hesse Comparison of Hermann Hesse and Shams Tabrizi with a Focus on Knulp and Maqalat [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 145-175]

  • Hildegard of Bingen A Comparative Study of the Conception of Revelation in Mysticism of Ruzbihan Baqli and Hildegard of Bingen [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 77-109]

  • Holy Qur’an Explicating the Relationship between the Genesis Book and the Compilation Book in the Mystic-Qur'anic Thoughts of Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari and Allameh Seyed Heydar Amoli [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 57-80]

  • Horizon-paysage Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Hormazd-bagh "Perfect Man" in Islamic mysticism, and comparison with Hormazd-bagh in Manichaeism [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 7-30]

  • Hossein Ibn Mansour Halaj Time is Needed for Blood to Change to Milk (Shams Tabrizi's Birth from the Blood of Hossein Ibn Mansour Halaj in One Ta’zieh Script) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 167-182]

  • Hujwiri Investigating the Why and How of Interpreting Quranic Verses in Hujwiri’s Kashf al-Mahjub [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 9-36]

  • Human Meaning of Life from Ibn Arabi’s Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 151-169]

  • Human Qualitative and Quantitative Content Analysis of Gulshan-i Raz by Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 80-105]

  • Human evolution The Influence of Invocation in Progress on the Way to Allah [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 29-64]

  • Human truth The Emergence of Exemplary Truth” on the Way of Intuition of “Human Truth”: With an Emphasis on Sharafuddin Manyari's Viewpoint in “Ma'dan-ul-Ma'ani” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 133-150]


  • Iblis Hero and Anti-Hero: The Characterization of Iblis in Attar Nishaburi's Tazkerat al-Awliya [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 117-142]

  • Ibn 'Arabi The Relation between God and the Universe from Ibn 'Arabi and Shams Maqrebi's Views [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 23-45]

  • Ibn Arabi Paradox in Ibn Arabi’s Divan-e-Kabir [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 73-95]

  • Ibn Arabi Point and Circle in Persian Mystical Literature Based on Ibn Arabi's School [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 163-182]

  • Ibn Arabi Analyzing the Lexical Elements of Ibn Arabi’s Tarjumān al-Ashwāq Based on the Environmental Linguistics Approach [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 45-69]

  • Ibn Arabī A Consideration of the Concept of Epiphany from Ibn Arabī’s Viewpoint [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 101-120]

  • Ibn Arabī The Reading of Golshan-e Rāz’s Exegetes of the Fixed Essences and Its Comparison with Ibn Arabī's Views [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 155-180]

  • Ibn Khafif Shirazi A Study and Analysis of the Mystical Disposition of Ibn Khafif Shirazi [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 9-49]

  • Ibn Qaysarani Permissibility of Sama’ According to Ibn Qaysarani and Ghazali [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Ilahiname by Hosseini-e-Shirazi Introducing Ilahiname by Hosseini-e-Shirazi and Its Impact from Mathnavi-Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 211-246]

  • Illumination Surrealism and Sohrevardi's Thoughts [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 105-136]

  • Illuminationism A Study on Narrative Structure of Fi Haqiqat al-'Ishq (On the Reality of Love) Treatise by Suhrawardi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 33-58]

  • Image An Analysis of Image-Reading of Sun from Propositions of Active Intellect and Light of All Lights in Suhrawardi’s Symbolic Treatises [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 131-161]

  • Images of life The Meaning of Life in Attar Neishabouri’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 65-90]

  • Imagination Idea and Imagination in Rumi’s Thought [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 123-150]

  • Imagination Obstacles And Results Of Internal Movement in Mystical Intuition of Mawllana(with emphasis on masnawe) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 181-208]

  • Imagination From Mystics’ Imaginary to Gilbert Durand’s Imagination [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 7-33]

  • Individuality Journey: The Lived Experience An Existentialist Reading of Life-Journey Model of Flying Shams [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 129-151]

  • Intellect Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]

  • Intentionality An Analysis of Phenomenology in Ruzbahān’s Gnosticism [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-26]

  • Interpretation Method’s of Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an in Bahā-e Valad’s Maāref [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 65-85]

  • Interpretation The Structure and Mystical Themes In Attar's Mathnavi of Musibat-Nama [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 135-159]

  • Interpretation Exploring Interpretation and its Different Levels in Sanai’s Hadighah [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 33-64]

  • Interpretation From Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Arc to Tripartite Interpretive Stages in the Thought and Works of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 9-35]

  • Interpretation Interpretability of the Concept of Infidelity in Mystical Thought: The Case of Attar’s Sheikh Sanan Story [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 67-94]

  • Interpretation Hymn – Stories in Masnavi [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 131-152]

  • Interpretation Investigating the Why and How of Interpreting Quranic Verses in Hujwiri’s Kashf al-Mahjub [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 9-36]

  • Interpretation (Ta’vil) Semantic-Structural Unraveling of a Complex Sonnet of Hafez [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 71-99]

  • Interpretive / Hermeneutic Arc From Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Arc to Tripartite Interpretive Stages in the Thought and Works of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 9-35]

  • Intertextuality Examining Intertextuality between Ferdows al-Murshediyeh and Religious and Mystical Texts: Based on Al-Risala al-Qushayriyya [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 39-65]

  • Intertextuality Analysis of the Metamorphic Process of Meaning Transfer from Didactic to Mystical Narratives [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 39-62]

  • Intuition Typology of Sensing in Mathnavi [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 171-194]

  • Intuition Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]

  • Intuition Relation between Spiritual Journey and Intuition in Rumi's Mysticism [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 101-129]

  • Intuitive perception Analysis of Children's Stories Containing Theosophical Themes: A Case Study [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 55-83]

  • Invocation (zekr) The Influence of Invocation in Progress on the Way to Allah [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 29-64]

  • Iranian dialects A new light on the copula (verb) “ayad/ āyad” in Tabaqat Al- Soufiye [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 9-33]

  • Iraqi Lamaat Description Introduce and the necessity critical editing of the description of Iraqi's "Lamaat" known as "Ma'arif al-Haqayq fi Tahqiq al-Daqayq" [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 137-164]

  • Islam The Common Function of Myth and Mysticism [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 149-168]

  • Islamic Gnosticism On Mystical Behavior in Persian Poetry of Chandarbahan Brahman [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 83-110]

  • Islamic Mysticism The Transmutation and the Mystical and Literary Function of Illumination [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 159-195]

  • Islamic Mysticism "Perfect Man" in Islamic mysticism, and comparison with Hormazd-bagh in Manichaeism [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 7-30]

  • Islamic Mysticism Nasafi's view of mystic's journey [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 65-84]

  • Islamic Mysticism A Critical Analysis of ‘Shath’ Definitions [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 149-174]

  • Islamic Mysticism Khosrovani Wisdom in Mersad al-Ibad [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 175-200]

  • Islamic Mysticism Qabā Hadith in Mystical Texts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 7-29]

  • Islamic Mysticism Studying the Flow of Divine Love Theory in Persian Mystical Texts: From Advent to the Ninth Century (AH) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 23-54]

  • Islamic Mysticism The Origin of Political Sufi Discourse in Iran and its Analysis based on Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Theory [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 153-187]

  • Islamic Mysticism New Insights into Taj ad-Din Mahmoud Oshnuvi and His Relationship with Majd ad-Din Baghdadi and the Court of Khwarezmshahian [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 9-44]

  • Islamic spirituality Image of God in the Thoughts of Osho: Contrasting His Teachings with Rumi’s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 107-134]

  • Islamic Sufism Comparative Study of Islamic Sufism and Shamanic Mysticism [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 7-26]

  • Islamic theology Investigating Khuransan Mysticism in 9th Century AH from the Perspective of Jonun al Majanin [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 109-152]

  • Islam in Kashmir Mystical Diplomacy: Reviewing Shah Hamadan’s Influential Presence in Kashmir [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 107-127]

  • Israelites Critiquing and Analyzing the Interpretive Model of Harut and Marut in Sheikh San’aan Story Based on Gérard Genette’s Hypertextuality Theory [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 177-203]


  • James Rumi's Mysticism in the Field of Religious and Mystical Experiences [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 123-155]

  • Jami Political Ideals of Jami and Najm al- Din Razi in Haft Aurang and Mersad al-Ebad [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 9-33]

  • Jaspers Knowledge and Boundary Situations in Mowlavi's Mathnavi [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 83-117]

  • Jawahir al-Asrar Analysis and Evaluation of the Influence of Primary Prose Mystical Sources on Khwarazmi’s Jawahir al-Asrar fi Zawahir al-Anwar [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 85-120]

  • Jibāl mystical school Bābā Jafar Abharī and Ādāb al-Foqarā’ [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 105-125]

  • Jonun al Majanin Investigating Khuransan Mysticism in 9th Century AH from the Perspective of Jonun al Majanin [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 109-152]

  • Josef story Mystical Interpretation of Josef Story in the Qur’an [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 7-40]

  • Journey of Souls The Archetype of Ascent and the Structural Relationship between Miraj Nameh and Conference of the Birds in Early Modern Literature and Islamic Mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 169-197]

  • Journey to God Theoretical Foundations of Mystical Journey in Mashrab-Al-Arvah Roozbahan Baghli [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 123-152]

  • Joy Joy in Ghazaliyāt-e Shams, with Reference to Gnostic Elements [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 1-24]

  • Judaism The Common Function of Myth and Mysticism [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 149-168]

  • Jung The Analysis of Anima’s Archetype in Rumi’s Ghazals [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 111-153]

  • Jurisprudential discourse Convergence of Two Jurisprudential and Theosophical Discourses in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah, Mantiq al-Tair and Masnavi Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 163-188]


  • Kalile wa Dimna Content Analysis of "Qazor wa Khar" Anecdote in Mathnavi [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 105-131]

  • Karāmāt The Epistemological Analysis of the Spiritual Feats of Sheikh Ahmad-e Jam “The Colossal Elephant” (Zhandeh Pil) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 111-140]

  • Kashf al-Mahjub Comparative Study of Beautiful (Jamal) Names of God in the Mystical Texts of the Fourth and Sixth Centuries (A.H): The Cases of Kashf al-Mahjub and Rawh al-Arwah [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 27-55]

  • Kashf al-Mahjub Investigating the Why and How of Interpreting Quranic Verses in Hujwiri’s Kashf al-Mahjub [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 9-36]

  • Kashf-ol-Asrar and Odat ol-Abrar The story of transformation in Kashf-ol-Asrar and Odat ol-Abrar [(Articles in Press)]

  • Kashf-ol-Mahjub Examination of the Semiosphere of Mysticism and Islamic Sufism in Kashf-ol-Mahjub [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Keywords: Anima The Analysis of Anima’s Archetype in Rumi’s Ghazals [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 111-153]

  • Keywords: Āshūrā Symbols of Thirst and Water in the Event of Āshūrā [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 7-28]

  • Keywords: Attar The Structure and Mystical Themes In Attar's Mathnavi of Musibat-Nama [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 135-159]

  • Keywords: Attar Fear of Death in Attar’s Writings [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-92]

  • Keywords: Chandarbahan On Mystical Behavior in Persian Poetry of Chandarbahan Brahman [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 83-110]

  • Keywords: circular structure The Circular Structure of Savāneh al-Oshāq by Ahmad Qazzāli [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 56-81]

  • Keywords: denial of the will to live A Contrastive-Analytical Approach to the Concept of Boredom and Escaping it in Sanai and Schopenhauer’s [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 47-72]

  • Key words: epiphany A Consideration of the Concept of Epiphany from Ibn Arabī’s Viewpoint [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 101-120]

  • Keywords: Eye of the heart Eye of the Heart, Eye of Insight, Eye of Certainty in Mohī al-Dīn Ibn Arabī’s Writings [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 115-132]

  • Keywords: feather loss The Universal Symbol of a Unique Archetype in Mystical Culture [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 181-207]

  • Keywords: fixed essences The Reading of Golshan-e Rāz’s Exegetes of the Fixed Essences and Its Comparison with Ibn Arabī's Views [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 155-180]

  • Key words: Ghessat al-Ghorbat al-Gharbiya Archetypes in Sohrevardī’s Ghessat al-Ghorbat al-Gharbiya [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 49-72]

  • Keywords: Gnosticism An Analysis of Phenomenology in Ruzbahān’s Gnosticism [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-26]

  • Keywords: God God in Gnostics' Dreams [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 93-114]

  • Key Words : Hadīghe Oral culture in Hadīghe of Sanā’ī [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 151-185]

  • Keywords: Hadith-e Avael Manifestation of Hadith-e Avāel in Literary and Mystical Texts (3 to 10 C.) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 41-64]

  • Keywords: Heart (qalb) Heart and Its Properties from Ibn Arabī’s Viewpoint [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 27-55]

  • Keywords: Hojvīrī Storytelling Style in Kashf al-Mahjūb’s Short Tales [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 87-113]

  • Keywords: Illumination The Transmutation and the Mystical and Literary Function of Illumination [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 159-195]

  • Keywords: individuation Comparative Analysis of Perfectionism in Mysticism and Jung's Psychoanalysis [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 163-195]

  • Key Words: Inductive reasoning Inference in Mathnavi Of Maulavi [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 125-150]

  • Key words: Lacan From Lacan to Maulanā (The Psychological Growth of the Subject) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 81-100]

  • Key words: linguistics An Analysis of Shath by ‘Speech Act Theory’ [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 61-80]

  • Keywords: Love Transformation of metaphor of Love from Sanai to Rumi [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 43-80]

  • Key words: manifestation Manifestations of the Beauty and Glory and their Behavioral Consequences in the Mysticism of Ashāb al- Sukr and Ashāb al- Sahw [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 33-60]

  • Key Words: Mathnavī Different Types of Dream in Mathnavī of Maulānā [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 33-58]

  • Key words: Maulānā A Critical Analysis of Konya’s Manuscript of Kolliyat Shams The Konya’s Manuscript or Furūzanfar’s Correction? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 143-179]

  • Keywords: Mevlana Like a Lion in the Image of a Cow ((A Study on Theophanies in Mevlana’s Works [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 133-158]

  • Keywords: Mevlana An Analysis of Mevlana's Mental Patterns in Animal Symbolization [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 161-195]

  • Key words: Molavi (Rumi) A Contemplation on Completion or Incompletion of Mathnavi [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 31-74]

  • Keywords: Moulavi Joy in Ghazaliyāt-e Shams, with Reference to Gnostic Elements [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 1-24]

  • Key words: Muhammad (pbuh) The Portrait of Muhammad (pbuh) in Ayn al-Quzāt’s Works [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 25-48]

  • Key words: mystical conduct The Interaction between Mystical Conduct and Process of Consulting [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 59-88]

  • Keywords: mystical interpretation Mystical Interpretation of Josef Story in the Qur’an [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 7-40]

  • Keywords: mystical texts Bābā Jafar Abharī and Ādāb al-Foqarā’ [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 105-125]

  • Key words: mysticism The Common Function of Myth and Mysticism [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 149-168]

  • Keywords: Mysticism The Influence of Invocation in Progress on the Way to Allah [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 29-64]

  • Keywords: Mysticism The Relation between God and the Universe from Ibn 'Arabi and Shams Maqrebi's Views [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 23-45]

  • Keywords: Mysticism Position of “Sama” in the Mystical Texts before the Fifth Century AH [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 111-133]

  • Keywords: paradox Paradox in Ibn Arabi’s Divan-e-Kabir [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 73-95]

  • Key words: reversal of values Reversal of Values in Rūmī’s Mathnavī [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 7-32]

  • Key Words: saint-ship The Development of Saint- Ship (Valayat)Thought in Islamic Mysticism [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 89-120]

  • Key words: Sanaei The Criticism of Mystical position of Seir- al- Ebad based on Sanaei's various characters [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 103-123]

  • Key words: Sanāī Structural and Stylistic Analysis of Sanai’s Makatib(Epistles). [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-32]

  • Key words: Seir-ol-ebād Elal-maād Mythological Criticism of Seir al-Ibad I1 al- Maad [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 121-148]

  • Keywords: Seraj al-Tarigh Al-Risala al-Qushayriyya and its influence on one of the tenth century (A.H.) Sufistic texts [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 7-21]

  • Keywords: Shames Tabrīzī Shams Tabrīzī and His Esoteric Interpretation of Prophetic Hadīth [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 73-104]

  • Keywords: Shams-e Tabrīzī’s Maqâlât Shams-e Tabrīzī’s Ironic Outlook to his Contemporary Discourses and Social Institutions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 137-162]

  • Key words: Sufism A Structural Analysis of the Light Symbol in Mystical Experiences [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 169-198]

  • Keywords: Sufism From the Language of Fire to the Language of Light (The way of the Development of Mystical Prose) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 97-109]

  • Keywords: The Qur’an Method’s of Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an in Bahā-e Valad’s Maāref [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 65-85]

  • Key words: the Unity of Being The Unity of Being in Mīkha’īl Naīma’s Hams al-Jufon [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 121-142]

  • Khajeh Nasir Revisiting the Secret of the First Admonition of the Ninth Namat of Esharat O-Tanbihat in Refusing the Ascription of Salaman O-Absal to Avicenna [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 33-56]

  • Khaksariyeh The Influence of Sufi Elements on Shahnameh Narrative (Naghali) Texts [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 36-65]

  • Khargani Analysis of the relationship between "Man and God" in mysthical heritage Abolhasan Khargani Inspired by the idea of the "I" and "you" Martin Buber [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 43-73]

  • Khorasan A new light on the copula (verb) “ayad/ āyad” in Tabaqat Al- Soufiye [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 9-33]

  • Khorasan and Qumis The Analytical Study of Hagiographies in Khorasan and Qumis Regions from the 4th to the 8th Century AH [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 71-108]

  • Khosrovani Wisdom Khosrovani Wisdom in Mersad al-Ibad [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 175-200]

  • Khurasan Sufism Investigating Khuransan Mysticism in 9th Century AH from the Perspective of Jonun al Majanin [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 109-152]

  • Khwaja Abdullah Ansari Khwaja Abdullah Ansari and Najmuddin Kobra, recognition of two different patterns in the first mystical tradition [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 109-136]

  • Khwaja Mohammad Parsa The Book Tahghighat by Khwaja Mohammad Parsa and His Mystical and Rhetorical Views [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 153-174]

  • Khwaja Yusuf Hamadani Trilogy of “Islam”, “Faith”, and “Ihsan” from the Viewpoint of Khwaja Yusuf Hamadani: Based on his Newly-found manuscript, Alkashf [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 67-95]

  • Khwarazmi Analysis and Evaluation of the Influence of Primary Prose Mystical Sources on Khwarazmi’s Jawahir al-Asrar fi Zawahir al-Anwar [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 85-120]

  • Khwarezmshahian era New Insights into Taj ad-Din Mahmoud Oshnuvi and His Relationship with Majd ad-Din Baghdadi and the Court of Khwarezmshahian [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 9-44]

  • Kimia-e -Sa-adat Position of “Sama” in the Mystical Texts before the Fifth Century AH [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 111-133]

  • Knowledge Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]

  • Knowledge Knowledge and Boundary Situations in Mowlavi's Mathnavi [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 83-117]

  • Knulp story Comparison of Hermann Hesse and Shams Tabrizi with a Focus on Knulp and Maqalat [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 145-175]

  • Konya’ Manuscript A Critical Analysis of Konya’s Manuscript of Kolliyat Shams The Konya’s Manuscript or Furūzanfar’s Correction? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 143-179]

  • Krishna Murti Assessing the Views of Abu Saeed Abu al-Khair and Krishna Murti on Resolving Meaning Crisis [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 149-177]

  • Kulliyāt Shams A Critical Analysis of Konya’s Manuscript of Kolliyat Shams The Konya’s Manuscript or Furūzanfar’s Correction? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 143-179]


  • Lacan The Other as Ego: Shams and Rumi's Relationship from Jacques Lacan's Viewpoint [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 95-114]

  • Lahiji Investigation and Analysis of Mystical Experiences of Shams al-Din Mohammad Lahiji in Mafatih al-I’jaz fi Sharh-i Gulshan-i Raz [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 45-71]

  • Lakoff and Johnson Elucidating the Concept of Unity in Masnavi through Conceptual Metaphor [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 33-67]

  • Language of mysticism Analysis of Anecdote Functions in Sanai’s Hadiqat and Their Correspondence to Randall’s Theory [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 63-87]

  • Laylā and Majnun Source Finding and Analysis of Modifications Made By Rumi and Shams in the Romantic Literature of the Umayyad Era [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 115-140]

  • Letters of Alphabet The investigation of semiosis of alphabetic letters in Sansyi’s Divan [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 7-42]

  • Light devil Black light in islamic misticism [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 209-239]

  • Linguistic and Literary Structure A Cognitive Analysis of Mathnavi's Arabic Poems [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 43-70]

  • Lion Like a Lion in the Image of a Cow ((A Study on Theophanies in Mevlana’s Works [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 133-158]

  • Lion Analysis of Contrastive Macro-Symbols in Mathnavi and Ghazaliat of Shams: The Case Study of “Lion” and “Sun” Macro- Symbols [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 31-64]

  • Lion and Fox and Donkey Content Analysis of "Qazor wa Khar" Anecdote in Mathnavi [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 105-131]

  • Lived Experience Journey: The Lived Experience An Existentialist Reading of Life-Journey Model of Flying Shams [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 129-151]

  • Lutr [Constructed language] A New-found Maktub [Writing] of Qalandars and a Brief Discussion on the Qalandari Lutr [Constructed Language] (and a New Edition of Maktubat [Writings]) [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 161-190]

  • Lyric literature The Content and Language Analysis of a Unique Boasting by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Narrated by Najmeddin Razi [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 101-121]


  • Maāref Method’s of Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an in Bahā-e Valad’s Maāref [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 65-85]

  • Ma'arif al-Haqayiq fi Tahqiq al-Daqayiq Introduce and the necessity critical editing of the description of Iraqi's "Lamaat" known as "Ma'arif al-Haqayq fi Tahqiq al-Daqayq" [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 137-164]

  • Macro-Symbol Analysis of Contrastive Macro-Symbols in Mathnavi and Ghazaliat of Shams: The Case Study of “Lion” and “Sun” Macro- Symbols [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 31-64]

  • Ma’dan ul-Ma'ani The Emergence of Exemplary Truth” on the Way of Intuition of “Human Truth”: With an Emphasis on Sharafuddin Manyari's Viewpoint in “Ma'dan-ul-Ma'ani” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 133-150]

  • Maghālāt-e Shams Tabrīzī Shams Tabrīzī and His Esoteric Interpretation of Prophetic Hadīth [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 73-104]

  • Mahmood Ibn Osman Method of Mahmoud Ebn Othman's Biography Writing [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 123-161]

  • Majalis-e Sab’e The Analysis of Intertextual Relationships between the Subcontinent Malfuzats and Majalis: The Case Study of Majalis-e Sab’e and Favaed Al-Fuad [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 69-99]

  • Majalis-i Sab'e Comparative Analysis of Majalis-i Sab'e and Makatib Based on Ideational Metafunction in Halliday's Functional Grammar [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 101-136]

  • Majd ad-Din Baghdadi New Insights into Taj ad-Din Mahmoud Oshnuvi and His Relationship with Majd ad-Din Baghdadi and the Court of Khwarezmshahian [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 9-44]

  • Majd al-Din Baghdadi A Newfound Treatise by Najm al Din Razi [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 89-126]

  • Majnon shah Kabuli Manifestation of Love Theme in the Contemporary Mystical Poetry of Afghanistan Based on the Poetry of Majnon Shah Kabuli, Mastan Shah Kabuli and Heydari Wojodi [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 71-102]

  • Makatib Comparative Analysis of Majalis-i Sab'e and Makatib Based on Ideational Metafunction in Halliday's Functional Grammar [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 101-136]

  • Makātib-e Sanāī (Sanāī's epistles) Structural and Stylistic Analysis of Sanai’s Makatib(Epistles). [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-32]

  • Makhzan al-Asrar Semiology of Nizami’s States of Seclusion in Makhzan al-Asrar [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 55-81]

  • Maktubat [Writings] A New-found Maktub [Writing] of Qalandars and a Brief Discussion on the Qalandari Lutr [Constructed Language] (and a New Edition of Maktubat [Writings]) [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 161-190]

  • Malāmatiyya Conceptual Metaphors in Qalandari Poetry [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 9-41]

  • Management The Nature of Mystical Experience Based on Managing the States’ Model [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 135-156]

  • Managhebol al-Arefeen Rumi's Treating Linguistic and Non-linguistic Phenomena in Aflaki Managhebol al-Arefeen [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 83-110]

  • Mani The Origin of Political Sufi Discourse in Iran and its Analysis based on Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Theory [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 153-187]

  • Manichaeism "Perfect Man" in Islamic mysticism, and comparison with Hormazd-bagh in Manichaeism [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 7-30]

  • Manteqtair Studying the Inexpressibility Obstacles of Mystical Experiences in Masnavies by Attar (Ilahi-Nama, Mantiq al-Tair, Mosibat-Nama) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 59-83]

  • Mantiq al-Tair Convergence of Two Jurisprudential and Theosophical Discourses in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah, Mantiq al-Tair and Masnavi Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 163-188]

  • Mantiq Ut-Tair Mantiq Ut-Tair and Traveling in Time or Traveling in Parallel Universes in Modern Physics [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 111-132]

  • Manuscript A Critical Analysis of Konya’s Manuscript of Kolliyat Shams The Konya’s Manuscript or Furūzanfar’s Correction? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 143-179]

  • Manuscript Introducing Ilahiname by Hosseini-e-Shirazi and Its Impact from Mathnavi-Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 211-246]

  • Manuscript Introducing Manuscripts of Safinat-ul-Auliya by Dara Shikoh and the Necessity of Editing It [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 151-175]

  • Manuscript New Insights into Taj ad-Din Mahmoud Oshnuvi and His Relationship with Majd ad-Din Baghdadi and the Court of Khwarezmshahian [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 9-44]

  • Manuscript Introduce and the necessity critical editing of the description of Iraqi's "Lamaat" known as "Ma'arif al-Haqayq fi Tahqiq al-Daqayq" [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 137-164]

  • Manuscript editing A Newfound Treatise by Najm al Din Razi [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 89-126]

  • Ma’arif Conceptual Metaphor of Growth in Baha-e Valad’s Ma’arif [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 137-172]

  • Martyrdom Shams-e Tabrizi, Absence or Martyrdom? (based on old sources specially Molana Maktoobat ) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 73-103]

  • Mashrab-Al-Arvah Theoretical Foundations of Mystical Journey in Mashrab-Al-Arvah Roozbahan Baghli [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 123-152]

  • Masnavi Ma’navi Convergence of Two Jurisprudential and Theosophical Discourses in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah, Mantiq al-Tair and Masnavi Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 163-188]

  • Masnavi Ma’navi Analyzing the Story of “Parrot and the Merchant” in Masnavi Ma’navi Based on Dissemination Theory by Jacques Derrida [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 77-99]

  • Masnavi Manavi analysis of components of mystical experience in the story of Daqhughi using the theory of Walter Stace and William James. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Masnavi Ma’navi (The Spiritual Couplets) Elucidating the Concept of Unity in Masnavi through Conceptual Metaphor [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 33-67]

  • Masnavi’s Hymn Hymn – Stories in Masnavi [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 131-152]

  • Mastan Shah Kabuli Manifestation of Love Theme in the Contemporary Mystical Poetry of Afghanistan Based on the Poetry of Majnon Shah Kabuli, Mastan Shah Kabuli and Heydari Wojodi [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 71-102]

  • Mathnavi Idea and Imagination in Rumi’s Thought [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 123-150]

  • Mathnavi Typology of Sensing in Mathnavi [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 171-194]

  • Mathnavi Analysis of Contrastive Macro-Symbols in Mathnavi and Ghazaliat of Shams: The Case Study of “Lion” and “Sun” Macro- Symbols [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 31-64]

  • Mathnavi Daghoughi, the Postmodern Metafiction [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 65-93]

  • Mathnavi Content Analysis of "Qazor wa Khar" Anecdote in Mathnavi [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 105-131]

  • Mathnavi A Cognitive Analysis of Mathnavi's Arabic Poems [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 43-70]

  • Mathnavī Reversal of Values in Rūmī’s Mathnavī [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 7-32]

  • Mathnavi Ma’navi The Logic of Digression in Mathnavi: Explanatory Style and the Authority of the Narrator/Author [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 141-165]

  • Mathnavi Ma’navi Introducing Ilahiname by Hosseini-e-Shirazi and Its Impact from Mathnavi-Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 211-246]

  • Mathnavi Ma’navi The Components of Husserl’s Phenomenology in the Epistemology of Mathnavi Ma'navi [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 173-204]

  • Mathnawi The Concept of the Unity of Existence in the Intellectual Disposition of Rumi and Leo Tolstoy [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 117-149]

  • Mathnawi Ma’navi Mystical Experience in “Boundary Situation” and Its Reflection in Mathnawi (A Case Study of the Anecdotes of Pir Changi and Moses and the Shepherd) [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 51-78]

  • Maulanā From Lacan to Maulanā (The Psychological Growth of the Subject) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 81-100]

  • Maulana Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi Relation between Spiritual Journey and Intuition in Rumi's Mysticism [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 101-129]

  • Maulāvi Inference in Mathnavi Of Maulavi [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 125-150]

  • Mawlana Elucidating the Concept of Unity in Masnavi through Conceptual Metaphor [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 33-67]

  • Mawlana The concept of "unity" in Masnavis of Rumi and Bidel Dehlavi based on conceptual metaphor [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 143-183]

  • Mawlavi (Rumi) The Components of Husserl’s Phenomenology in the Epistemology of Mathnavi Ma'navi [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 173-204]

  • Mazdak The Origin of Political Sufi Discourse in Iran and its Analysis based on Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Theory [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 153-187]

  • Meaning dissemination Analyzing the Story of “Parrot and the Merchant” in Masnavi Ma’navi Based on Dissemination Theory by Jacques Derrida [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 77-99]

  • Meaning of life Meaning of Life from Ibn Arabi’s Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 151-169]

  • Meaning of life The Meaning of Life in Attar Neishabouri’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 65-90]

  • Meeting super-ego The Study of Common Mystic and Gnostic Themes in Attar’s Poems [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 95-117]

  • Meftah Alhedayeh Method of Mahmoud Ebn Othman's Biography Writing [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 123-161]

  • Meier Methodology of German-speaking Orientalists in Studying Persian Mystical Literature: The Case of Helmut Ritter and Fritz Meier [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 127-152]

  • Mersaad-al-Ibad The reflection of “Mirror” Symbol in Myth & Mysticism According to Bundahishn and Mersad al-ebad [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 143-174]

  • Mersad al-Ebad Khosrovani Wisdom in Mersad al-Ibad [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 175-200]

  • Mersad ol-Ebad The Content and Language Analysis of a Unique Boasting by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Narrated by Najmeddin Razi [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 101-121]

  • Metafiction Daghoughi, the Postmodern Metafiction [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 65-93]

  • Metamorphosis “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]

  • Metaphor Shams-e Tabrīzī’s Ironic Outlook to his Contemporary Discourses and Social Institutions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 137-162]

  • Metaphor Point and Circle in Persian Mystical Literature Based on Ibn Arabi's School [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 163-182]

  • Metaphor Vertical Schema (Descending/Ascending) in Attar’s Mantegh-o Teir (The Conference of Birds) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 119-144]

  • Methods of presenting details A Comparative Study of Methods of Presenting Details in the Context of Sufi Mystical Experiences in the Texts of Revelation and Intuition School, Based on “Ideational Metafunction” [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 97-130]

  • Mevlana A Comparative Analysis of the Love Category in the Story of the Symposium of Plato and the King and Slave Girl of Mevlana [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 7-32]

  • Michael Riffaterre Application of Michael Riffaterre's Poetry Reading Model in Settling the Disputes over the Verse “Our Guide Said ‘the Pen That Designed Creation Committed No Mistakes …’ by Hafez [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 153-183]

  • Michel Foucault Contraction and Expansion of “Religious Tolerance” Discourse in Islamic Sufism (up to the Eighth Century) [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 129-160]

  • Mīkha’īl Naīma The Unity of Being in Mīkha’īl Naīma’s Hams al-Jufon [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 121-142]

  • Mind unconsciousness An Analysis of the Existential Domains of Shams Tabrizi Through the Examination of Shams Tabrizi's Maghalat [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 73-98]

  • Miraj Nameh (the Story of Ascension) The Archetype of Ascent and the Structural Relationship between Miraj Nameh and Conference of the Birds in Early Modern Literature and Islamic Mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 169-197]

  • Mirfetrus Critical analysis of narrative of Hallaj's life and death in the discourse of revolutionary / left [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 7-43]

  • Mirpadshah Introduce and the necessity critical editing of the description of Iraqi's "Lamaat" known as "Ma'arif al-Haqayq fi Tahqiq al-Daqayq" [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 137-164]

  • Mirsad al-Ebad A Newfound Treatise by Najm al Din Razi [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 89-126]

  • Modifications to form and Content Source Finding and Analysis of Modifications Made By Rumi and Shams in the Romantic Literature of the Umayyad Era [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 115-140]

  • Mohammad Hossein Hosseini-e-Shirazi Introducing Ilahiname by Hosseini-e-Shirazi and Its Impact from Mathnavi-Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 211-246]

  • Mohī al-Dīn ibn Arabī Eye of the Heart, Eye of Insight, Eye of Certainty in Mohī al-Dīn Ibn Arabī’s Writings [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 115-132]

  • Mokhtarnameh Narrative Quatrain (Ruba’i) in Attar's Mokhtarnameh [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 57-82]

  • Molana Character Analysis "ne" and "Hayy" in molana NyNamh poems and stories and hayy BnYqzan Abn Tofyl [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 177-206]

  • Molana’s Manuscripts Shams-e Tabrizi, Absence or Martyrdom? (based on old sources specially Molana Maktoobat ) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 73-103]

  • Moral Requisites Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]

  • Morphology Morphology of Didactic and Mystic Masnavis Based on Literary Traditions (From the Beginning to the End of the 7th Century AH) [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 101-139]

  • Moses and Shepherd Mystical Experience in “Boundary Situation” and Its Reflection in Mathnawi (A Case Study of the Anecdotes of Pir Changi and Moses and the Shepherd) [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 51-78]

  • Mosibat nameh Innovative symbols and pseudo-symbols in Attar's Mosibat nameh [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mosibatnameh Studying the Inexpressibility Obstacles of Mystical Experiences in Masnavies by Attar (Ilahi-Nama, Mantiq al-Tair, Mosibat-Nama) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 59-83]

  • Mossibat-Nameh Narrator function and narrative operation in Attar’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 81-122]

  • Mossibat-Nameh The Meaning of Life in Attar Neishabouri’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 65-90]

  • Mowlana Time is Needed for Blood to Change to Milk (Shams Tabrizi's Birth from the Blood of Hossein Ibn Mansour Halaj in One Ta’zieh Script) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 167-182]

  • Mowlavi Analysis of Sense of Taste in Mowlaviˊs Works [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 205-230]

  • Mowlavi Knowledge and Boundary Situations in Mowlavi's Mathnavi [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 83-117]

  • Mowlavi Comparative Analysis of Majalis-i Sab'e and Makatib Based on Ideational Metafunction in Halliday's Functional Grammar [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 101-136]

  • Mujaddid Alf Sani Correcting and stylistic researching of the mystical treatise "Wesal Ahmadi" or "Awakher Hayat Mujaddid Alf Sani" [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 83-116]

  • Mulānā A Structural Analysis of the Light Symbol in Mystical Experiences [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 169-198]

  • Mulla-Mohammad Fuzuli-Baghdadi The compare Telesm-e Hayrat by Bidel and Safar-nāma-ye Rūḥ by Fuzuli [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 85-114]

  • Mulla Sadra Transcendent wisdom from structuralism to post-structuralism [(Articles in Press)]

  • Multiplicity of Meaning The Fall of Oppositions and the Originality of Relative Attitude in the Thought System of Molavi [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 153-181]

  • Musibat-Nama The Structure and Mystical Themes In Attar's Mathnavi of Musibat-Nama [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 135-159]

  • Mystic Studying the Inexpressibility Obstacles of Mystical Experiences in Masnavies by Attar (Ilahi-Nama, Mantiq al-Tair, Mosibat-Nama) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 59-83]

  • Mystical and Rhetorical The Book Tahghighat by Khwaja Mohammad Parsa and His Mystical and Rhetorical Views [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 153-174]

  • Mystical anthropology Investigating the Characteristics of “This World’s Man” in Al-Mawaqef and Al-Mukhatabat by Abu Abdollah Neffari [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 71-100]

  • Mystical Commentary Comparative Study of Beautiful (Jamal) Names of God in the Mystical Texts of the Fourth and Sixth Centuries (A.H): The Cases of Kashf al-Mahjub and Rawh al-Arwah [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 27-55]

  • Mystical-didactic epic Analysis of Transtextual relation between The Conference of the Birds by Peter Sis and Attar's Mantiq al-Tair [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 85-115]

  • Mystical disposition A Method of Explaining Mystical Tradition and Disposition (Case Study: Aziz Nasafi) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 171-202]

  • Mystical disposition A Study and Analysis of the Mystical Disposition of Ibn Khafif Shirazi [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 9-49]

  • Mystical experience A Structural Analysis of the Light Symbol in Mystical Experiences [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 169-198]

  • Mystical experience The Nature of Mystical Experience Based on Managing the States’ Model [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 135-156]

  • Mystical experience Mystical Experience in “Boundary Situation” and Its Reflection in Mathnawi (A Case Study of the Anecdotes of Pir Changi and Moses and the Shepherd) [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 51-78]

  • Mystical experience Rumi's Mysticism in the Field of Religious and Mystical Experiences [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 123-155]

  • Mystical experience Studying Mystic Waaqeah and Its Symbolism as a Religious Experience [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 39-69]

  • Mystical experience analysis of components of mystical experience in the story of Daqhughi using the theory of Walter Stace and William James. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mystical experiences. Perennial philosophy Transcendent wisdom from structuralism to post-structuralism [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mystical Interpretation The Structure and Mystical Themes In Attar's Mathnavi of Musibat-Nama [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 135-159]

  • Mystical Interpretation Rumi's Treating Linguistic and Non-linguistic Phenomena in Aflaki Managhebol al-Arefeen [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 83-110]

  • Mystical Interpretation Application of Michael Riffaterre's Poetry Reading Model in Settling the Disputes over the Verse “Our Guide Said ‘the Pen That Designed Creation Committed No Mistakes …’ by Hafez [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 153-183]

  • Mystical language A Critical Analysis of ‘Shath’ Definitions [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 149-174]

  • Mystical language A Model for Analyzing the Process of Mystical Language Formation Derived from the Qur’anic Language System [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 37-75]

  • Mystical poem Transformation of metaphor of Love from Sanai to Rumi [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 43-80]

  • Mystical poem Narrative Quatrain (Ruba’i) in Attar's Mokhtarnameh [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 57-82]

  • Mystical poetry Manifestation of Love Theme in the Contemporary Mystical Poetry of Afghanistan Based on the Poetry of Majnon Shah Kabuli, Mastan Shah Kabuli and Heydari Wojodi [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 71-102]

  • Mystical point of view Symbols of Thirst and Water in the Event of Āshūrā [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 7-28]

  • Mystical prose Studying the Flow of Divine Love Theory in Persian Mystical Texts: From Advent to the Ninth Century (AH) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 23-54]

  • Mystical prose Examining the Characteristics of “Sufi-Deconstructed Text" Corresponding to Abdul Jabbar Niffari’s Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabaat [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Mystical research A Method of Explaining Mystical Tradition and Disposition (Case Study: Aziz Nasafi) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 171-202]

  • Mystical stories Types of Anxiety in Attar's Thought and Works [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 157-188]

  • Mystical stories Analysis of the relationship between perfectionism and anxiety in Attar's works and thoughts [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 35-61]

  • Mystical Tales Storytelling Style in Kashf al-Mahjūb’s Short Tales [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 87-113]

  • Mystical Texts Qabā Hadith in Mystical Texts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 7-29]

  • Mystical Texts "The Universe Is a Tree" Conceptual Metaphor in Mystical Texts [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 7-31]

  • Mystical Texts Introducing Manuscripts of Safinat-ul-Auliya by Dara Shikoh and the Necessity of Editing It [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 151-175]

  • Mystical Texts Critical Discourse Analysis of Tamhidat by Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani (Through Norman Fairclough’s Approach) [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 77-103]

  • Mystical theology Mystical Theology in Abu Abdollah Neffari’s Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabaat [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 99-130]

  • Mystical tradition A Method of Explaining Mystical Tradition and Disposition (Case Study: Aziz Nasafi) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 171-202]

  • Mysticism Paradox in Ibn Arabi’s Divan-e-Kabir [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 73-95]

  • Mysticism From the Language of Fire to the Language of Light (The way of the Development of Mystical Prose) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 97-109]

  • Mysticism Surrealism and Sohrevardi's Thoughts [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 105-136]

  • Mysticism Mythical – scientific reload the theory of particles in the mystical poems of Attar [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 175-205]

  • Mysticism The reflection of “Mirror” Symbol in Myth & Mysticism According to Bundahishn and Mersad al-ebad [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 143-174]

  • Mysticism Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]

  • Mysticism “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]

  • Mysticism Point and Circle in Persian Mystical Literature Based on Ibn Arabi's School [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 163-182]

  • Mysticism From Mystics’ Imaginary to Gilbert Durand’s Imagination [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 7-33]

  • Mysticism Analysis of the Application of Eliade’s Mythical View in Safvat al-Safa by Ibn-e Bazaz Ardabili [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 81-105]

  • Mysticism Mystical Diplomacy: Reviewing Shah Hamadan’s Influential Presence in Kashmir [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 107-127]

  • Mysticism Analysis of Dedication to Preceptor in Shahrnoush Parsipour's Novels: Case Study of Sag va Zemestan-e Boland (The Dog and the Long Winter) and Touba va ma'na-ye Shab (Touba and Meaning of Night) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 69-94]

  • Mysticism Comparison of Hermann Hesse and Shams Tabrizi with a Focus on Knulp and Maqalat [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 145-175]

  • Mysticism A Study on Narrative Structure of Fi Haqiqat al-'Ishq (On the Reality of Love) Treatise by Suhrawardi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 33-58]

  • Mysticism The Concept of the Unity of Existence in the Intellectual Disposition of Rumi and Leo Tolstoy [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 117-149]

  • Mysticism Relation between Spiritual Journey and Intuition in Rumi's Mysticism [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 101-129]

  • Mysticism Political Ideals of Jami and Najm al- Din Razi in Haft Aurang and Mersad al-Ebad [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 9-33]

  • Mysticism Methodology of German-speaking Orientalists in Studying Persian Mystical Literature: The Case of Helmut Ritter and Fritz Meier [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 127-152]

  • Mysticism Political Consequences of Ayn al-Qudat Al-Hamadani’s Conceptualization of “Predestination and Free Will” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-76]

  • Mysticism Conceptual Metaphors in Qalandari Poetry [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 9-41]

  • Mysticism and Sufism Representation and Analysis of Populist Structures in the Practical and Intellectual Life of Abu Sa’id Abu al-Kheir: Adopting Abraham Maslow's Theory of Self-actualization [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 9-39]

  • Mysticism and Sufism Analysis of Psychological Approach of Sufism in Orientalists’ Studies [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 163-192]

  • Mysticism and Sufism The Role of Codes of Mysticism and Sufism in Poetic Imageries and Themes of Seyyed Hassan Hosseini [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 149-174]

  • Mysticism and Sufism The Study of Common Mystic and Gnostic Themes in Attar’s Poems [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 95-117]

  • Mysticism and Sufism A Study and Analysis of the Mystical Disposition of Ibn Khafif Shirazi [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 9-49]

  • Mystic Knowledge Recognition in Mystical Disposition of Ruzbihan Baqli [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 153-178]

  • Mystic literature Relation between Spiritual Journey and Intuition in Rumi's Mysticism [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 101-129]

  • Myth The Analysis of Anima’s Archetype in Rumi’s Ghazals [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 111-153]

  • Myth An analysis of mystical- mythical pattern of Rabai al- Adawiyyá character relying on account of Attaŕ s narration in Tazkirat al- Awliya [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 7-40]

  • Myth “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]

  • Myth The Common Function of Myth and Mysticism [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 149-168]

  • Myth Analysis of the Application of Eliade’s Mythical View in Safvat al-Safa by Ibn-e Bazaz Ardabili [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 81-105]

  • Mythological Criticism The Archetype of Ascent and the Structural Relationship between Miraj Nameh and Conference of the Birds in Early Modern Literature and Islamic Mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 169-197]


  • Nafahat al-Uns Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Nafahat al-Uns God in Gnostics' Dreams [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 93-114]

  • Najm al- Din Najmuddin Razi Political Ideals of Jami and Najm al- Din Razi in Haft Aurang and Mersad al-Ebad [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 9-33]

  • Najm al-Din Razi Khosrovani Wisdom in Mersad al-Ibad [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 175-200]

  • Najm al-Din Razi A Newfound Treatise by Najm al Din Razi [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 89-126]

  • Najmeddin Razi The Content and Language Analysis of a Unique Boasting by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Narrated by Najmeddin Razi [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 101-121]

  • Najmuddin Kobra Khwaja Abdullah Ansari and Najmuddin Kobra, recognition of two different patterns in the first mystical tradition [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 109-136]

  • Naqshbandiyeh Correcting and stylistic researching of the mystical treatise "Wesal Ahmadi" or "Awakher Hayat Mujaddid Alf Sani" [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 83-116]

  • Narration (Naghali) The Influence of Sufi Elements on Shahnameh Narrative (Naghali) Texts [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 36-65]

  • Narrative Storytelling Style in Kashf al-Mahjūb’s Short Tales [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 87-113]

  • Narrative Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Narrative A Study on Narrative Structure of Fi Haqiqat al-'Ishq (On the Reality of Love) Treatise by Suhrawardi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 33-58]

  • Narrative Content Analysis of "Qazor wa Khar" Anecdote in Mathnavi [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 105-131]

  • Narrative Quatrain (Ruba'i) Narrative Quatrain (Ruba’i) in Attar's Mokhtarnameh [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 57-82]

  • Narrator Investigating the Functions of Counter - discourse in the Story of Sheikh Sanan [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 41-69]

  • Nature Black light in islamic misticism [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 209-239]

  • Newfound treatise A Newfound Treatise by Najm al Din Razi [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 89-126]

  • New Spiritual Movements Image of God in the Thoughts of Osho: Contrasting His Teachings with Rumi’s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 107-134]

  • Nirvana Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]

  • Nizami Ganjavi Semiology of Nizami’s States of Seclusion in Makhzan al-Asrar [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 55-81]

  • Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis of Tamhidat by Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani (Through Norman Fairclough’s Approach) [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 77-103]

  • Nowruz Sorani Examining the Concept of Revelation and Testimony in the Poetry and Discourse of Nowruz Sorani (The Holy Texts of Goran) Based on Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Phenomenological Method [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-67]


  • Obaid Zakani A New-found Maktub [Writing] of Qalandars and a Brief Discussion on the Qalandari Lutr [Constructed Language] (and a New Edition of Maktubat [Writings]) [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 161-190]

  • Oman Samani Symbols of Thirst and Water in the Event of Āshūrā [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 7-28]

  • Ontology Existence and its Levels from Aziz Nasafi Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 93-121]

  • Ontology Idea and Imagination in Rumi’s Thought [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 123-150]

  • Ontology Historical Transformation of The Feather of Gabriel in Islamic Culture (up to the End of the Sixth Century AH) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 95-117]

  • Orientalism Analysis of Psychological Approach of Sufism in Orientalists’ Studies [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 163-192]

  • Orientalism Methodology of German-speaking Orientalists in Studying Persian Mystical Literature: The Case of Helmut Ritter and Fritz Meier [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 127-152]

  • Original narrative Analysis of the Metamorphic Process of Meaning Transfer from Didactic to Mystical Narratives [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 39-62]

  • Osho Image of God in the Thoughts of Osho: Contrasting His Teachings with Rumi’s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 107-134]


  • Panj-Ganj (Five treasures) by Hosseini-e-Shirazi Introducing Ilahiname by Hosseini-e-Shirazi and Its Impact from Mathnavi-Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 211-246]

  • Parallel Universes Mantiq Ut-Tair and Traveling in Time or Traveling in Parallel Universes in Modern Physics [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 111-132]

  • Paraphrasing Al-Risala al-Qushayriyya and its influence on one of the tenth century (A.H.) Sufistic texts [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 7-21]

  • Parthian language (Arsacid Pahlavi) A new light on the copula (verb) “ayad/ āyad” in Tabaqat Al- Soufiye [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 9-33]

  • Patterns An Analysis of Mevlana's Mental Patterns in Animal Symbolization [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 161-195]

  • Paul Tillich Types of Anxiety in Attar's Thought and Works [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 157-188]

  • Perfection Course Nasafi's view of mystic's journey [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 65-84]

  • Perfect Man "Perfect Man" in Islamic mysticism, and comparison with Hormazd-bagh in Manichaeism [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 7-30]

  • Persian articles Studying the Record of Attar-related Studies in Persian Articles (from 1300 SH to 1395 SH) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 7-32]

  • Persian mystical poetry Studying the Record of Attar-related Studies in Persian Articles (from 1300 SH to 1395 SH) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 7-32]

  • Persian ode Another Narration of the Transformation of Sana'i's Poetry and Personality [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 137-168]

  • Personality transformation Another Narration of the Transformation of Sana'i's Poetry and Personality [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 137-168]

  • Personality transformation The story of transformation in Kashf-ol-Asrar and Odat ol-Abrar [(Articles in Press)]

  • Persuasion Investigating the Functions of Counter - discourse in the Story of Sheikh Sanan [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 41-69]

  • Phenomenology An Analysis of Phenomenology in Ruzbahān’s Gnosticism [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-26]

  • Phenomenology Analyzing the Concept of “Transcendental Ego” In Sawaneh [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 33-64]

  • Phenomenology The Components of Husserl’s Phenomenology in the Epistemology of Mathnavi Ma'navi [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 173-204]

  • Philosophy Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]

  • Philosophy From Mystics’ Imaginary to Gilbert Durand’s Imagination [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 7-33]

  • Philosophy Criticisms of Shāh Ne'matollāh Vali in the Fields of Sufism, Philosophy, and Speculative Theology [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 151-180]

  • Philosophy of Religions Political Implications in Ayn-al-Qudat Hamadani’s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 121-147]

  • Piety A dialectical discourse on Attar’s ellahinameh [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 75-108]

  • Plato A Comparative Analysis of the Love Category in the Story of the Symposium of Plato and the King and Slave Girl of Mevlana [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 7-32]

  • Plot Analysis of the Metamorphic Process of Meaning Transfer from Didactic to Mystical Narratives [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 39-62]

  • Plot Hero and Anti-Hero: The Characterization of Iblis in Attar Nishaburi's Tazkerat al-Awliya [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 117-142]

  • Point Point and Circle in Persian Mystical Literature Based on Ibn Arabi's School [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 163-182]

  • Political Sufism The Origin of Political Sufi Discourse in Iran and its Analysis based on Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Theory [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 153-187]

  • Political Thought Political Implications in Ayn-al-Qudat Hamadani’s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 121-147]

  • Political Thought Political Consequences of Ayn al-Qudat Al-Hamadani’s Conceptualization of “Predestination and Free Will” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-76]

  • Politics Political Ideals of Jami and Najm al- Din Razi in Haft Aurang and Mersad al-Ebad [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 9-33]

  • Populist Disposition Structure Representation and Analysis of Populist Structures in the Practical and Intellectual Life of Abu Sa’id Abu al-Kheir: Adopting Abraham Maslow's Theory of Self-actualization [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 9-39]

  • Positive psychology Re-reading of Mystical Anecdotes of Asrar al-Tawhid through Positive Psychology Approach [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 7-32]

  • Postmodernism Daghoughi, the Postmodern Metafiction [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 65-93]

  • Poverty A Study and Analysis of the Mystical Disposition of Ibn Khafif Shirazi [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 9-49]

  • Practical model Khwaja Abdullah Ansari and Najmuddin Kobra, recognition of two different patterns in the first mystical tradition [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 109-136]

  • Practical system Khwaja Abdullah Ansari and Najmuddin Kobra, recognition of two different patterns in the first mystical tradition [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 109-136]

  • Pragmatics An Analysis of Shath by ‘Speech Act Theory’ [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 61-80]

  • Predestination Political Consequences of Ayn al-Qudat Al-Hamadani’s Conceptualization of “Predestination and Free Will” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-76]

  • Previous teachings Investigation and Analysis of Mystical Experiences of Shams al-Din Mohammad Lahiji in Mafatih al-I’jaz fi Sharh-i Gulshan-i Raz [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 45-71]

  • Process of psychic individuality Semiology of Nizami’s States of Seclusion in Makhzan al-Asrar [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 55-81]

  • Prophet (PBUH) The Content and Language Analysis of a Unique Boasting by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Narrated by Najmeddin Razi [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 101-121]


  • Qabā Qudsi Hadith Qabā Hadith in Mystical Texts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 7-29]

  • Qalandari Poetry Semantic-Structural Unraveling of a Complex Sonnet of Hafez [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 71-99]

  • Qalandariyya Conceptual Metaphors in Qalandari Poetry [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 9-41]

  • Qalandars A New-found Maktub [Writing] of Qalandars and a Brief Discussion on the Qalandari Lutr [Constructed Language] (and a New Edition of Maktubat [Writings]) [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 161-190]

  • Qur’anic language system A Model for Analyzing the Process of Mystical Language Formation Derived from the Qur’anic Language System [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 37-75]

  • Qur’an Heart and Its Properties from Ibn Arabī’s Viewpoint [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 27-55]


  • Rabai al- Adawiyya An analysis of mystical- mythical pattern of Rabai al- Adawiyyá character relying on account of Attaŕ s narration in Tazkirat al- Awliya [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 7-40]

  • Randall Analysis of Anecdote Functions in Sanai’s Hadiqat and Their Correspondence to Randall’s Theory [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 63-87]

  • Rashiduddin Meibdi The story of transformation in Kashf-ol-Asrar and Odat ol-Abrar [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rational agent A dialectical discourse on Attar’s ellahinameh [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 75-108]

  • Rawh al-Arwah Comparative Study of Beautiful (Jamal) Names of God in the Mystical Texts of the Fourth and Sixth Centuries (A.H): The Cases of Kashf al-Mahjub and Rawh al-Arwah [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 27-55]

  • Reason Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]

  • Reason Is Reason a Valid Source for Man? An Interpretation of Two Distiches of Sanai's Hadiqa [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 131-150]

  • Rebirth Comparative Study of Islamic Sufism and Shamanic Mysticism [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 7-26]

  • Recognition Orders Recognition in Mystical Disposition of Ruzbihan Baqli [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 153-178]

  • Refutation writing Discourse Analysis of Refutation Treatises on Sufism in the Safavid Era [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 119-144]

  • Refutation writing Critical analysis or polemical destruction; A discussion about encountering the theoretical aspects of Sufism in the refutations of Sufism during the Safavid period [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 63-81]

  • Rejoining God The Study of Common Mystic and Gnostic Themes in Attar’s Poems [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 95-117]

  • Relative Attitude The Fall of Oppositions and the Originality of Relative Attitude in the Thought System of Molavi [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 153-181]

  • Religion The Transmutation and the Mystical and Literary Function of Illumination [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 159-195]

  • Religions “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]

  • Religious context Types of Anxiety in Attar's Thought and Works [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 157-188]

  • Religious discourse Analyzing the Utopian Components of Chivalry (Futuwwat) Discourses [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 37-75]

  • Rending of garments Rending Garments, from the Ancient World to Sufi Hospice [(Articles in Press)]

  • Residence Residence and Spatiality: The Analysis of Beshr-e Hafi’s Life in Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 35-53]

  • Revelation A Comparative Study of the Conception of Revelation in Mysticism of Ruzbihan Baqli and Hildegard of Bingen [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 77-109]

  • Revelation Examining the Concept of Revelation and Testimony in the Poetry and Discourse of Nowruz Sorani (The Holy Texts of Goran) Based on Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Phenomenological Method [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-67]

  • Rhetoric Exploring Interpretation and its Different Levels in Sanai’s Hadighah [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 33-64]

  • Ritter Methodology of German-speaking Orientalists in Studying Persian Mystical Literature: The Case of Helmut Ritter and Fritz Meier [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 127-152]

  • Roozbahan Baghli Theoretical Foundations of Mystical Journey in Mashrab-Al-Arvah Roozbahan Baghli [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 123-152]

  • Rotbat al-Hayat Trilogy of “Islam”, “Faith”, and “Ihsan” from the Viewpoint of Khwaja Yusuf Hamadani: Based on his Newly-found manuscript, Alkashf [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 67-95]

  • Rozbahan The Finest Form of "Self" in The Kashf-al-Asrar and Mokashefat-al-Anvar of Rozbahan [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 91-114]

  • Rumi The Analysis of Anima’s Archetype in Rumi’s Ghazals [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 111-153]

  • Rumi Idea and Imagination in Rumi’s Thought [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 123-150]

  • Rumi Typology of Sensing in Mathnavi [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 171-194]

  • Rumi Transformation of metaphor of Love from Sanai to Rumi [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 43-80]

  • Rumi Studying the Evolutionary Concept of Death in Rumi's Poetry based on Cognitive Metaphor Theory in Cultural Model of Great Chain Metaphor [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 7-29]

  • Rumi Daghoughi, the Postmodern Metafiction [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 65-93]

  • Rumi The Other as Ego: Shams and Rumi's Relationship from Jacques Lacan's Viewpoint [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 95-114]

  • Rumi Source Finding and Analysis of Modifications Made By Rumi and Shams in the Romantic Literature of the Umayyad Era [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 115-140]

  • Rumi The Logic of Digression in Mathnavi: Explanatory Style and the Authority of the Narrator/Author [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 141-165]

  • Rumi Rumi's Treating Linguistic and Non-linguistic Phenomena in Aflaki Managhebol al-Arefeen [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 83-110]

  • Rumi Image of God in the Thoughts of Osho: Contrasting His Teachings with Rumi’s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 107-134]

  • Rumi Mystical Experience in “Boundary Situation” and Its Reflection in Mathnawi (A Case Study of the Anecdotes of Pir Changi and Moses and the Shepherd) [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 51-78]

  • Rumi Rumi's Analytical-Critical Approaches in Science and Scientists Studies [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 183-210]

  • Rumi The Concept of the Unity of Existence in the Intellectual Disposition of Rumi and Leo Tolstoy [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 117-149]

  • Rumi Rumi's Mysticism in the Field of Religious and Mystical Experiences [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 123-155]

  • Rumi Distance between Faith and Belief in Rumi's Theory [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 141-168]

  • Rūmī Reversal of Values in Rūmī’s Mathnavī [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 7-32]

  • Rumi-Attributed Ghazals A Study on Rumi-Attributed Ghazals in Two Ancient Jungs [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 33-49]

  • Rumi's Masnavi Analysis and Evaluation of the Influence of Primary Prose Mystical Sources on Khwarazmi’s Jawahir al-Asrar fi Zawahir al-Anwar [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 85-120]

  • Ruzbihan Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Ruzbihan Baqli Recognition in Mystical Disposition of Ruzbihan Baqli [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 153-178]

  • Ruzbihan Baqli A Comparative Study of the Conception of Revelation in Mysticism of Ruzbihan Baqli and Hildegard of Bingen [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 77-109]


  • Safar-nāma-ye Rūḥ The compare Telesm-e Hayrat by Bidel and Safar-nāma-ye Rūḥ by Fuzuli [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 85-114]

  • Safavid Critical analysis or polemical destruction; A discussion about encountering the theoretical aspects of Sufism in the refutations of Sufism during the Safavid period [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 63-81]

  • Safavid era Discourse Analysis of Refutation Treatises on Sufism in the Safavid Era [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 119-144]

  • Safi Ali Shah Symbols of Thirst and Water in the Event of Āshūrā [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 7-28]

  • Safinat-ul-Auliya Introducing Manuscripts of Safinat-ul-Auliya by Dara Shikoh and the Necessity of Editing It [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 151-175]

  • Safvat al-Safa Analysis of the Application of Eliade’s Mythical View in Safvat al-Safa by Ibn-e Bazaz Ardabili [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 81-105]

  • Safvat al-Safa The semiotic analysis and functions of dream and event in Safvat al-Safa by Ibn Bazzaz Ardabili. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Sag va Zemestan-e Boland (The Dog and the Long Winter) Analysis of Dedication to Preceptor in Shahrnoush Parsipour's Novels: Case Study of Sag va Zemestan-e Boland (The Dog and the Long Winter) and Touba va ma'na-ye Shab (Touba and Meaning of Night) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 69-94]

  • Salaman O-Absal Revisiting the Secret of the First Admonition of the Ninth Namat of Esharat O-Tanbihat in Refusing the Ascription of Salaman O-Absal to Avicenna [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 33-56]

  • Salvation Political Consequences of Ayn al-Qudat Al-Hamadani’s Conceptualization of “Predestination and Free Will” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-76]

  • Sama Position of “Sama” in the Mystical Texts before the Fifth Century AH [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 111-133]

  • Sama' Permissibility of Sama’ According to Ibn Qaysarani and Ghazali [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Sanaei Comparing allegorical narratives of "Elephant in the city of the blind" from Sanaei and Ghazali with respect to the theory of hypertextuality [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 153-176]

  • Sanaei's mysticism The Criticism of Mystical position of Seir- al- Ebad based on Sanaei's various characters [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 103-123]

  • Sanaei's various characters The Criticism of Mystical position of Seir- al- Ebad based on Sanaei's various characters [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 103-123]

  • Sanai A Contrastive-Analytical Approach to the Concept of Boredom and Escaping it in Sanai and Schopenhauer’s [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 47-72]

  • Sanai Transformation of metaphor of Love from Sanai to Rumi [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 43-80]

  • Sanai The Refutation of An Appraisal based of Sanai's Semiology [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 7-21]

  • Sanai Analysis of Anecdote Functions in Sanai’s Hadiqat and Their Correspondence to Randall’s Theory [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 63-87]

  • Sanā’ī Oral culture in Hadīghe of Sanā’ī [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 151-185]

  • Sanaie Death Reflective Contemplations in Sanaie’s Works [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 73-104]

  • Sanaie’s works Death Reflective Contemplations in Sanaie’s Works [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 73-104]

  • Sanai’ Ghaznavi Another Narration of the Transformation of Sana'i's Poetry and Personality [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 137-168]

  • Sanāī Ghaznavī Mythological Criticism of Seir al-Ibad I1 al- Maad [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 121-148]

  • Sansyi The investigation of semiosis of alphabetic letters in Sansyi’s Divan [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 7-42]

  • Savāneh al-Oshāq The Circular Structure of Savāneh al-Oshāq by Ahmad Qazzāli [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 56-81]

  • Sawaneh Analyzing the Concept of “Transcendental Ego” In Sawaneh [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 33-64]

  • Sayyed Hassan Mossannef Al-Risala al-Qushayriyya and its influence on one of the tenth century (A.H.) Sufistic texts [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 7-21]

  • Schopenhauer A Contrastive-Analytical Approach to the Concept of Boredom and Escaping it in Sanai and Schopenhauer’s [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 47-72]

  • Second mystical tradition Existence and its Levels from Aziz Nasafi Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 93-121]

  • Second mystical tradition A Method of Explaining Mystical Tradition and Disposition (Case Study: Aziz Nasafi) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 171-202]

  • Seir-al-Ebad ela-al-Maad The Criticism of Mystical position of Seir- al- Ebad based on Sanaei's various characters [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 103-123]

  • Seljuk dynasty Political Implications in Ayn-al-Qudat Hamadani’s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 121-147]

  • Semantic meaning Analysis of the Metamorphic Process of Meaning Transfer from Didactic to Mystical Narratives [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 39-62]

  • Semio-semiotics The Aesthetic System of Discourse in the Interaction of Sound and Light: Based on the Story of “Halima’s Asking Help of the Idols” [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 145-170]

  • Semiotics The investigation of semiosis of alphabetic letters in Sansyi’s Divan [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 7-42]

  • Semiotics Semiotic Analysis of Perception & visual Phenomenons In Kash-al-Asrar&Mokashefat-al-AnvarOfRuzbehan [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 41-64]

  • Semiotics The semiotic analysis and functions of dream and event in Safvat al-Safa by Ibn Bazzaz Ardabili. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Semiotics of Poetry Application of Michael Riffaterre's Poetry Reading Model in Settling the Disputes over the Verse “Our Guide Said ‘the Pen That Designed Creation Committed No Mistakes …’ by Hafez [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 153-183]

  • Service and two poles of it Political Implications in Ayn-al-Qudat Hamadani’s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 121-147]

  • Seyyed Hassan Hosseini The Role of Codes of Mysticism and Sufism in Poetic Imageries and Themes of Seyyed Hassan Hosseini [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 149-174]

  • Shabestarī The Reading of Golshan-e Rāz’s Exegetes of the Fixed Essences and Its Comparison with Ibn Arabī's Views [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 155-180]

  • Shah Hamadan Mystical Diplomacy: Reviewing Shah Hamadan’s Influential Presence in Kashmir [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 107-127]

  • Shāh Ne'matollāh Vali Criticisms of Shāh Ne'matollāh Vali in the Fields of Sufism, Philosophy, and Speculative Theology [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 151-180]

  • Shahrnoush Parsipour Analysis of Dedication to Preceptor in Shahrnoush Parsipour's Novels: Case Study of Sag va Zemestan-e Boland (The Dog and the Long Winter) and Touba va ma'na-ye Shab (Touba and Meaning of Night) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 69-94]

  • Shamanism Comparative Study of Islamic Sufism and Shamanic Mysticism [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 7-26]

  • Shams A Critical Analysis of Konya’s Manuscript of Kolliyat Shams The Konya’s Manuscript or Furūzanfar’s Correction? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 143-179]

  • Shams Joy in Ghazaliyāt-e Shams, with Reference to Gnostic Elements [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 1-24]

  • Shams Source Finding and Analysis of Modifications Made By Rumi and Shams in the Romantic Literature of the Umayyad Era [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 115-140]

  • Shams Comparison of Hermann Hesse and Shams Tabrizi with a Focus on Knulp and Maqalat [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 145-175]

  • Shams-e-Maqrebi The Relation between God and the Universe from Ibn 'Arabi and Shams Maqrebi's Views [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 23-45]

  • Shams Ghazaliyat An Analysis of Mevlana's Mental Patterns in Animal Symbolization [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 161-195]

  • Shams Maqalat Comparison of Hermann Hesse and Shams Tabrizi with a Focus on Knulp and Maqalat [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 145-175]

  • Shams’s fate Shams-e Tabrizi, Absence or Martyrdom? (based on old sources specially Molana Maktoobat ) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 73-103]

  • Shams Tabrizi The Other as Ego: Shams and Rumi's Relationship from Jacques Lacan's Viewpoint [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 95-114]

  • Shams Tabrizi Time is Needed for Blood to Change to Milk (Shams Tabrizi's Birth from the Blood of Hossein Ibn Mansour Halaj in One Ta’zieh Script) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 167-182]

  • Shams Tabrizi Journey: The Lived Experience An Existentialist Reading of Life-Journey Model of Flying Shams [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 129-151]

  • Shams Tabrizi An Analysis of the Existential Domains of Shams Tabrizi Through the Examination of Shams Tabrizi's Maghalat [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 73-98]

  • Shams Tabrizi's Maghalat An Analysis of the Existential Domains of Shams Tabrizi Through the Examination of Shams Tabrizi's Maghalat [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 73-98]

  • Sharafuddin Manyari The Emergence of Exemplary Truth” on the Way of Intuition of “Human Truth”: With an Emphasis on Sharafuddin Manyari's Viewpoint in “Ma'dan-ul-Ma'ani” [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 133-150]

  • Sharh al- Ta'aruf (Commentary on al- Ta'aruf) A Model for Analyzing the Process of Mystical Language Formation Derived from the Qur’anic Language System [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 37-75]

  • Sharh-e-Ta-arrof Position of “Sama” in the Mystical Texts before the Fifth Century AH [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 111-133]

  • Shath An Analysis of Shath by ‘Speech Act Theory’ [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 61-80]

  • Shath Paradox in Ibn Arabi’s Divan-e-Kabir [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 73-95]

  • Shath A Critical Analysis of ‘Shath’ Definitions [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 149-174]

  • Shath definition A Critical Analysis of ‘Shath’ Definitions [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 149-174]

  • Sheikh Abou Ishaq Kazerouni Examining Intertextuality between Ferdows al-Murshediyeh and Religious and Mystical Texts: Based on Al-Risala al-Qushayriyya [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 39-65]

  • Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi Correcting and stylistic researching of the mystical treatise "Wesal Ahmadi" or "Awakher Hayat Mujaddid Alf Sani" [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 83-116]

  • Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari Explicating the Relationship between the Genesis Book and the Compilation Book in the Mystic-Qur'anic Thoughts of Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari and Allameh Seyed Heydar Amoli [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 57-80]

  • Sheikh Safi al-din Ardabili Analysis of the Application of Eliade’s Mythical View in Safvat al-Safa by Ibn-e Bazaz Ardabili [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 81-105]

  • Sheikh Safi al-din Ardabili The semiotic analysis and functions of dream and event in Safvat al-Safa by Ibn Bazzaz Ardabili. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Sheikh San’aan Critiquing and Analyzing the Interpretive Model of Harut and Marut in Sheikh San’aan Story Based on Gérard Genette’s Hypertextuality Theory [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 177-203]

  • Sheikh Sanan Investigating the Functions of Counter - discourse in the Story of Sheikh Sanan [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 41-69]

  • Sheikh Sanan and Christian girl Interpretability of the Concept of Infidelity in Mystical Thought: The Case of Attar’s Sheikh Sanan Story [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 67-94]

  • Shia clergy Discourse Analysis of Refutation Treatises on Sufism in the Safavid Era [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 119-144]

  • Shiite clergy Critical analysis or polemical destruction; A discussion about encountering the theoretical aspects of Sufism in the refutations of Sufism during the Safavid period [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 63-81]

  • Simurgh An Analysis of Image-Reading of Sun from Propositions of Active Intellect and Light of All Lights in Suhrawardi’s Symbolic Treatises [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 131-161]

  • Simurgh (thirty birds) and Si-murgh Mantiq Ut-Tair and Traveling in Time or Traveling in Parallel Universes in Modern Physics [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 111-132]

  • Sohrevardi Surrealism and Sohrevardi's Thoughts [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 105-136]

  • Sohrevardī Archetypes in Sohrevardī’s Ghessat al-Ghorbat al-Gharbiya [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 49-72]

  • Sound and light The Aesthetic System of Discourse in the Interaction of Sound and Light: Based on the Story of “Halima’s Asking Help of the Idols” [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 145-170]

  • Space Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Space Residence and Spatiality: The Analysis of Beshr-e Hafi’s Life in Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 35-53]

  • Sparrow (Sa’wah) Is Reason a Valid Source for Man? An Interpretation of Two Distiches of Sanai's Hadiqa [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 131-150]

  • Speculative theology Criticisms of Shāh Ne'matollāh Vali in the Fields of Sufism, Philosophy, and Speculative Theology [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 151-180]

  • Spiritual journey Relation between Spiritual Journey and Intuition in Rumi's Mysticism [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 101-129]

  • Spiritual Path The Influence of Invocation in Progress on the Way to Allah [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 29-64]

  • Stage Theoretical Foundations of Mystical Journey in Mashrab-Al-Arvah Roozbahan Baghli [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 123-152]

  • States The Nature of Mystical Experience Based on Managing the States’ Model [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 135-156]

  • States of Spiritual pilgrimages The Structure and Mystical Themes In Attar's Mathnavi of Musibat-Nama [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 135-159]

  • Stative dissemination Analyzing the Story of “Parrot and the Merchant” in Masnavi Ma’navi Based on Dissemination Theory by Jacques Derrida [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 77-99]

  • Structural criticism Comparative Analysis of Actantial Model in Suhrawardi’s Persian Epistles from the Perspective of Greimas [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 9-43]

  • Subhani A Critical Analysis of Konya’s Manuscript of Kolliyat Shams The Konya’s Manuscript or Furūzanfar’s Correction? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 143-179]

  • Subject From Lacan to Maulanā (The Psychological Growth of the Subject) [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 81-100]

  • Subsequent narrative Analysis of the Metamorphic Process of Meaning Transfer from Didactic to Mystical Narratives [Volume 13, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 39-62]

  • Suffering Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]

  • Sufi Cloak Rending Garments, from the Ancient World to Sufi Hospice [(Articles in Press)]

  • Sufi discourse Analyzing the Utopian Components of Chivalry (Futuwwat) Discourses [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 37-75]

  • Sufi literature The Influence of Sufi Elements on Shahnameh Narrative (Naghali) Texts [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 36-65]

  • Sufi mystical experiences A Comparative Study of Methods of Presenting Details in the Context of Sufi Mystical Experiences in the Texts of Revelation and Intuition School, Based on “Ideational Metafunction” [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 97-130]

  • Sufi Narratives Facement and Defacement in Sufi Narratives [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 103-128]

  • Sufism Discourse Analysis of Refutation Treatises on Sufism in the Safavid Era [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 119-144]

  • Sufism The Epistemological Analysis of the Spiritual Feats of Sheikh Ahmad-e Jam “The Colossal Elephant” (Zhandeh Pil) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 111-140]

  • Sufism Relation between Spiritual Journey and Intuition in Rumi's Mysticism [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 101-129]

  • Sufism Criticisms of Shāh Ne'matollāh Vali in the Fields of Sufism, Philosophy, and Speculative Theology [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 151-180]

  • Sufism Permissibility of Sama’ According to Ibn Qaysarani and Ghazali [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Sufism Critical analysis or polemical destruction; A discussion about encountering the theoretical aspects of Sufism in the refutations of Sufism during the Safavid period [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 63-81]

  • Sufism Rending Garments, from the Ancient World to Sufi Hospice [(Articles in Press)]

  • Sufism. The Intellect The Influence of Invocation in Progress on the Way to Allah [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 29-64]

  • Suhrawardi A Study on Narrative Structure of Fi Haqiqat al-'Ishq (On the Reality of Love) Treatise by Suhrawardi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 33-58]

  • Suhrawardi An Analysis of Image-Reading of Sun from Propositions of Active Intellect and Light of All Lights in Suhrawardi’s Symbolic Treatises [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 131-161]

  • Suhrawardi Comparative Analysis of Actantial Model in Suhrawardi’s Persian Epistles from the Perspective of Greimas [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 9-43]

  • Sun Analysis of Contrastive Macro-Symbols in Mathnavi and Ghazaliat of Shams: The Case Study of “Lion” and “Sun” Macro- Symbols [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 31-64]

  • Sun An Analysis of Image-Reading of Sun from Propositions of Active Intellect and Light of All Lights in Suhrawardi’s Symbolic Treatises [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2021, Pages 131-161]

  • Supernatural Wonders Comparative Study of Islamic Sufism and Shamanic Mysticism [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 7-26]

  • Surah Yusuf (Joseph Chapter).‬‬ Bahr al-Mahabba fi Asrār al-Mavadda: Literary-Mystical Interpretation of Surah Yusuf (PBUH) and New Insights about It [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Surrealism Surrealism and Sohrevardi's Thoughts [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 105-136]

  • Survival Annihilation, Survival, Union and Connection in Bidel Dehlavi’s Poetry [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 65-91]

  • Symbol Like a Lion in the Image of a Cow ((A Study on Theophanies in Mevlana’s Works [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 133-158]

  • Symbol The Analysis of Anima’s Archetype in Rumi’s Ghazals [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 111-153]

  • Symbol The Universal Symbol of a Unique Archetype in Mystical Culture [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 181-207]

  • Symbol A Structural Analysis of the Light Symbol in Mystical Experiences [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 169-198]

  • Symbol The reflection of “Mirror” Symbol in Myth & Mysticism According to Bundahishn and Mersad al-ebad [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 143-174]

  • Symbol “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]

  • Symbol Shams-e Tabrīzī’s Ironic Outlook to his Contemporary Discourses and Social Institutions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 137-162]

  • Symbol Innovative symbols and pseudo-symbols in Attar's Mosibat nameh [(Articles in Press)]

  • Symbolic Allegory The compare Telesm-e Hayrat by Bidel and Safar-nāma-ye Rūḥ by Fuzuli [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 85-114]

  • Symbolic concepts Hymn – Stories in Masnavi [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 131-152]

  • Symbolism The Refutation of An Appraisal based of Sanai's Semiology [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 7-21]

  • Symposium A Comparative Analysis of the Love Category in the Story of the Symposium of Plato and the King and Slave Girl of Mevlana [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 7-32]


  • Tabaqat Al- Soufiye A new light on the copula (verb) “ayad/ āyad” in Tabaqat Al- Soufiye [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 9-33]

  • Tabaqat-al-Sufia Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Tadhkerat al-Awliya Negative and Positive Resistance in Attar's Tadhkerat al-Awliya [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 165-193]

  • Tahghighat The Book Tahghighat by Khwaja Mohammad Parsa and His Mystical and Rhetorical Views [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 153-174]

  • Taj ad-Din Oshnuvi New Insights into Taj ad-Din Mahmoud Oshnuvi and His Relationship with Majd ad-Din Baghdadi and the Court of Khwarezmshahian [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 9-44]

  • Tamhidat Critical Discourse Analysis of Tamhidat by Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani (Through Norman Fairclough’s Approach) [Volume 15, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 77-103]

  • Tarjumān al-Ashwāq Analyzing the Lexical Elements of Ibn Arabi’s Tarjumān al-Ashwāq Based on the Environmental Linguistics Approach [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 45-69]

  • Ta’zieh Time is Needed for Blood to Change to Milk (Shams Tabrizi's Birth from the Blood of Hossein Ibn Mansour Halaj in One Ta’zieh Script) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 167-182]

  • Tazkarat al-Uliya God in Gnostics' Dreams [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 93-114]

  • Tazkerat al-awliya Hero and Anti-Hero: The Characterization of Iblis in Attar Nishaburi's Tazkerat al-Awliya [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 117-142]

  • Tazkirat al Representing the Emancipation Metanarrative of Islamic Mysticism in the Discourse and Narrative of Attar’s Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 43-72]

  • Tazkirat-al-Awliā Criteria for Distinguishing the Discontinuous Imaginal Universe Events: Employing Henry Corbin’s Method in Tazkirat-al-Awliā [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 157-173]

  • Tazkirat al- Awliya An analysis of mystical- mythical pattern of Rabai al- Adawiyyá character relying on account of Attaŕ s narration in Tazkirat al- Awliya [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 7-40]

  • Tazkirat al-Awliya Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Tazkirat al-Awliya Notes on Recording of Some Words and Phrases of Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 117-137]

  • Tazkirat al-Awliya Residence and Spatiality: The Analysis of Beshr-e Hafi’s Life in Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 35-53]

  • Telesm-e Hayrat The compare Telesm-e Hayrat by Bidel and Safar-nāma-ye Rūḥ by Fuzuli [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 85-114]

  • Tension Semiotic Analysis of Perception & visual Phenomenons In Kash-al-Asrar&Mokashefat-al-AnvarOfRuzbehan [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 41-64]

  • Testimony Examining the Concept of Revelation and Testimony in the Poetry and Discourse of Nowruz Sorani (The Holy Texts of Goran) Based on Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Phenomenological Method [Volume 15, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-67]

  • Text correction A New-found Maktub [Writing] of Qalandars and a Brief Discussion on the Qalandari Lutr [Constructed Language] (and a New Edition of Maktubat [Writings]) [Volume 14, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 161-190]

  • Text Interpretation Rumi's Treating Linguistic and Non-linguistic Phenomena in Aflaki Managhebol al-Arefeen [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 83-110]

  • The Angel’s Wing Historical Transformation of The Feather of Gabriel in Islamic Culture (up to the End of the Sixth Century AH) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 95-117]

  • The imaginary From Mystics’ Imaginary to Gilbert Durand’s Imagination [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 7-33]

  • The Journey Nasafi's view of mystic's journey [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 65-84]

  • Thematic Criticism Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • The need for revision Introduce and the necessity critical editing of the description of Iraqi's "Lamaat" known as "Ma'arif al-Haqayq fi Tahqiq al-Daqayq" [Volume 16, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 137-164]

  • Theology Image of God in the Thoughts of Osho: Contrasting His Teachings with Rumi’s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 107-134]

  • Theology Distance between Faith and Belief in Rumi's Theory [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 141-168]

  • Theoretical Mysticism Qualitative and Quantitative Content Analysis of Gulshan-i Raz by Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 80-105]

  • Theory and Practice Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]

  • Theosophical poetry Convergence of Two Jurisprudential and Theosophical Discourses in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah, Mantiq al-Tair and Masnavi Ma’navi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 163-188]

  • The other The Other as Ego: Shams and Rumi's Relationship from Jacques Lacan's Viewpoint [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 95-114]

  • The Pen The Influence of Invocation in Progress on the Way to Allah [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 29-64]

  • The Pen Manifestation of Hadith-e Avāel in Literary and Mystical Texts (3 to 10 C.) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 41-64]

  • The Prophet's Light The Influence of Invocation in Progress on the Way to Allah [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 29-64]

  • The Prophet's Light Manifestation of Hadith-e Avāel in Literary and Mystical Texts (3 to 10 C.) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 41-64]

  • The purpose and Ultimate Objective of the Mystic Recognition in Mystical Disposition of Ruzbihan Baqli [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 153-178]

  • The story of Parrot and the Merchant Analyzing the Story of “Parrot and the Merchant” in Masnavi Ma’navi Based on Dissemination Theory by Jacques Derrida [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 77-99]

  • The story of Shahzadegan (The Princes) A Contemplation on Completion or Incompletion of Mathnavi [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 31-74]

  • The texts of Revelation and Intuition school A Comparative Study of Methods of Presenting Details in the Context of Sufi Mystical Experiences in the Texts of Revelation and Intuition School, Based on “Ideational Metafunction” [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 97-130]

  • The Umayyad Literature Source Finding and Analysis of Modifications Made By Rumi and Shams in the Romantic Literature of the Umayyad Era [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2017, Pages 115-140]

  • The Unity of Existence The Concept of the Unity of Existence in the Intellectual Disposition of Rumi and Leo Tolstoy [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 117-149]

  • The Way Nasafi's view of mystic's journey [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 65-84]

  • The why and how Investigating the Why and How of Interpreting Quranic Verses in Hujwiri’s Kashf al-Mahjub [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 9-36]

  • Thirst Symbols of Thirst and Water in the Event of Āshūrā [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 7-28]

  • This world’s man Investigating the Characteristics of “This World’s Man” in Al-Mawaqef and Al-Mukhatabat by Abu Abdollah Neffari [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 71-100]

  • Time Travel Mantiq Ut-Tair and Traveling in Time or Traveling in Parallel Universes in Modern Physics [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 111-132]

  • Tolstoy The Concept of the Unity of Existence in the Intellectual Disposition of Rumi and Leo Tolstoy [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 117-149]

  • Touba va ma'na-ye Shab (Touba and Meaning of Night) Analysis of Dedication to Preceptor in Shahrnoush Parsipour's Novels: Case Study of Sag va Zemestan-e Boland (The Dog and the Long Winter) and Touba va ma'na-ye Shab (Touba and Meaning of Night) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 69-94]

  • Tradition Studying Mystic Waaqeah and Its Symbolism as a Religious Experience [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 39-69]

  • Trance state Comparative Study of Islamic Sufism and Shamanic Mysticism [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 7-26]

  • Transcendence (Tanzih) and Closeness (Tashbih) Mystical Theology in Abu Abdollah Neffari’s Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabaat [Volume 14, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 99-130]

  • Transitional dissemination Analyzing the Story of “Parrot and the Merchant” in Masnavi Ma’navi Based on Dissemination Theory by Jacques Derrida [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 77-99]

  • Transtextuality Analysis of Transtextual relation between The Conference of the Birds by Peter Sis and Attar's Mantiq al-Tair [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 85-115]

  • Tree "The Universe Is a Tree" Conceptual Metaphor in Mystical Texts [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 7-31]

  • Trilogy of “Islam” Trilogy of “Islam”, “Faith”, and “Ihsan” from the Viewpoint of Khwaja Yusuf Hamadani: Based on his Newly-found manuscript, Alkashf [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 67-95]


  • Unity Manifestations of the Beauty and Glory and their Behavioral Consequences in the Mysticism of Ashāb al- Sukr and Ashāb al- Sahw [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 33-60]

  • Unity Elucidating the Concept of Unity in Masnavi through Conceptual Metaphor [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 33-67]

  • Unity The concept of "unity" in Masnavis of Rumi and Bidel Dehlavi based on conceptual metaphor [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 143-183]

  • Universe "The Universe Is a Tree" Conceptual Metaphor in Mystical Texts [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 7-31]

  • Universe A Comparative Study of the Mystical Ontologies of Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali and Bahā'-i Walad [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 9-37]

  • Utopian Analyzing the Utopian Components of Chivalry (Futuwwat) Discourses [Volume 14, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 37-75]


  • Valadnameh Shams-e Tabrizi, Absence or Martyrdom? (based on old sources specially Molana Maktoobat ) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 73-103]

  • Vaqee The Finest Form of "Self" in The Kashf-al-Asrar and Mokashefat-al-Anvar of Rozbahan [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 91-114]

  • Veil The Portrait of Muhammad (pbuh) in Ayn al-Quzāt’s Works [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 25-48]

  • Vertical movement Vertical Schema (Descending/Ascending) in Attar’s Mantegh-o Teir (The Conference of Birds) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 119-144]

  • Virtues and abilities Re-reading of Mystical Anecdotes of Asrar al-Tawhid through Positive Psychology Approach [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 7-32]


  • Waaqeah Studying Mystic Waaqeah and Its Symbolism as a Religious Experience [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 39-69]

  • Walter Stace analysis of components of mystical experience in the story of Daqhughi using the theory of Walter Stace and William James. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Water Symbols of Thirst and Water in the Event of Āshūrā [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 7-28]

  • Wesal Ahmadi Correcting and stylistic researching of the mystical treatise "Wesal Ahmadi" or "Awakher Hayat Mujaddid Alf Sani" [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 83-116]

  • William James analysis of components of mystical experience in the story of Daqhughi using the theory of Walter Stace and William James. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Worldly human Investigating the Characteristics of “This World’s Man” in Al-Mawaqef and Al-Mukhatabat by Abu Abdollah Neffari [Volume 15, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 71-100]

  • World of Ideas Idea and Imagination in Rumi’s Thought [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 123-150]


  • Zubdat Al-Maqamat Correcting and stylistic researching of the mystical treatise "Wesal Ahmadi" or "Awakher Hayat Mujaddid Alf Sani" [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 83-116]