Document Type : Scientific-research


PhD student of Islamic Mysticism, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran


 “Theology” and relationship with God is the most significant issue in mysticism, and mystics have had a special view and interpretation in this regard. Abu Abdullah Neffari, as one of these mystics, presented his mystical experiences in several sections of two books, Al-Mawaqif and Al-Mukhatabat, in a very complex language from which his theological view can be inferred. What the characteristics of “knowing God” in Neffari’s mystical thought are is the question addressed in this study. The author, adopting a descriptive-analytical research method, extracted the “theological” content of Neffari’s mystical thought and concluded that Neffari strongly insisted on the inability of man to know God; nevertheless, to him, this does not mean “divesting” God of His attributes and declaring His incomparability or transcendence. Relying on the inability to know God, he reveals the “holy ignorance” in knowing God. In fact, he holds a special transcendental view in this regard. According to Neffari’s beliefs, it is God who identifies Himself to His servant. He has used the term "Taarrof" in this context. The final part of the article addresses the issue of how to communicate with God.


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