Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran.


The theory of divine love has undergone a special transformation in Iranian-Islamic mysticism. Having been formed in particular streams, it transformed and eventually evolved. The aspects of this theory have been raised in various and sometimes different forms in mystical texts including the types and dimensions of love, the permission or lack of permission to attribute it to God, the relationship of true love with the virtual beloved, and the relationship of love with mystical ontology. In this paper, employing descriptive-analytical research method, the evolution of this theory in Persian mystical texts and its most prominent intellectual and discursive currents is investigated. In the early periods, Sufis conservatively avoided the use of the word "love" for expressing the relationship between man and God, and used the word “affection” (hobb) instead; chiefly relying on Islamic-Quranic teachings. However, since the fifth century onwards, many Sufis, despite theologians’ disagreements, have displayed tendencies to use “love” rather than the Qur'anic concept of affection. Initial denial, relative acceptance in the fourth and fifth centuries, and absolute acceptance from the fifth century onwards, illustrate the evolution of this theory in Persian mystical texts. Moreover, it seems that attention has been paid to this theory in the four currents of Khorasan school, Shiraz school, Suhrawardi thoughts and the school of unity of Ibn Arabi. Of course, other currents, discourses and minor and major mystical, philosophical and theological schools of thoughts have also been at work in the emergence and transformation of this theory.


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