Document Type : Scientific-research


A Member of Scientific Council of Asian Cultural Documentation Center for Unesco-Tehran


The origin of Ta’zieh (replication of tragic events) could be traced in Pre-Islamic rituals. It appeared after Islam as a religious play, out of inspiration from the tragedy of Karbala, and some characters and stories were added to it in its evolutional process. Ta’zieh script of “Hossein Ibn Mansour Halaj” is one of these conceptual metamorphoses of Ta’zieh in which the embryo of Shams Tabrizi is formed from the blood of the executed Hossein Ibn Mansour Halaj. The main characters of this work are Hossein Ibn Mansour Halaj, Shams Tabrizi, Mowlana Rumi, his daughter and wife. This paper explicates the reason for this conceptual metamorphosis by analyzing the characterization, storytelling and narration in Halaj Ta’zieh. The research findings show that Shams, in a new narration, is the offspring of Mowlana’s daughter and another aspect of Halaj character. The anonymous author of this Ta’zieh script has depicted an Islamic-Shiite and mythological narration representing his familiarity with the life and thoughts of these three great mystics (Halaj, Shams and Mowlana).


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