Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Religions and Mysticism, Shahrekord University

2 MA, Comparative Religions and Mysticism


Knowledge and its hierarchy with blights of every degree is one of the fundamental principles of mystical systems. Each mystical system seeks to show superior knowledge and transcendental in order to seek greater depth of truth to its followers. So the fundamental question in this study is about what is knowledge, and how we may achieve transcendent knowledge? To answer  these questions, we have studied Mevlana,in the Islamic Mysticism and Buddha in Hindu Mysticism. In Mevlana’s first recognition we use sensory tools in his poetry and prose, and then knowing much rational human knowledge is tracked with the help of tools and classifications with much wisdom; and finally the height of knowledge of the specifics of each articulates the intuitive knowledge. But in Buddhism, after the expression of causal chain that leads to human suffering in the world, believes that the main cause of human ignorance is the lack of understanding of the problems and ways to get rid of their suffering. So transcendental knowledge, understanding the Four Noble Truths and the eight ways to salvation of the suffering is the correct way to absolute freedom and final truth. Both schools have high objectives to their leading , in order to  reach it through revelation and guidance to their followers and devotees in this way. Union with Allah in Rumi and Nirvana in Buddhist thought is the spiritual knowledge of the conduct that is explored in this study in  a comparative descriptive method.


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