Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature ,Isfahan University

2 P. H. D. Student of Persian language and Literature, Isfahan University


Mystical journey is one of the most distinguished paths taken consciously by the seeker to achieve self-knowledge. Its goal is crystal-clear from the beginning and its stages and steps are determined. The seeker overcomes the difficulties of the path by the teachings of a wise and sage spiritual master (learned Pir)  ,and at the end achieves Unity. This process can be compared with Jung’s archetype of ‘individuation’. However, it should be noted that Jung’s process of ‘individuation’ is completely unconscious and is being deducted from his studies on dreams, myths, and legends. In contrary to‘individuation’ which has a simple structure, mystical journey is taken consciously and its stages and steps are precise and accurate. However, its general framework is identical to the framework offered by Jung for the archetype of ‘individuation’. It is the very reason that makes the comparative analysis and the distinction of their similarities
