Fear of Death in Attar’s Writings
Fear of Death in Attar’s Writings

Saeed Rahimian; Mahboobeh Jabbareh Naseroo

Volume 2, Issue 3 , November 2010, Pages 65-92

  This inquiry examines Attar’s reflections on fear of death as a major concern for all human beings. Fear of death may originate from the belief in the Hereafter where the consequences ...  Read More
Manifestation of Hadith-e Avāel in Literary and Mystical 
Texts (3 to 10 C.)
Manifestation of Hadith-e Avāel in Literary and Mystical Texts (3 to 10 C.)

Hassan Haidary

Volume 2, Issue 3 , November 2010, Pages 41-64

  This article aims at discussing the manifestation of Hadith-e Avāel in some Persian literary and Gnostic texts. Hadith-e Avāel includes three narrations, including the Pen, Intellect, ...  Read More
God in Gnostics' Dreams
God in Gnostics' Dreams

Mohhamad Kazem Kahdoee; Akram Hedatati Shahroudi

Volume 2, Issue 3 , November 2010, Pages 93-114

  Dream as a spiritual experience is a common mean of expression among Gnostics. The wakefulness impossibilities can be realized in dream. Gnostics express their moral, educational, religious, ...  Read More
‘Errors of thought’ in Francis Bacon and Maulānās’ Perspectives
‘Errors of thought’ in Francis Bacon and Maulānās’ Perspectives

Parvin Golizade; Seyyede Samaneh Salehi; Seyyed Arman Hosseini Abbariki

Volume 2, Issue 3 , November 2010, Pages 115-136

  This inquiry aims at comparing opinions of Francis Bacon and Maulānā Jalāl al-Din on ‘errors of thought’. This term refers to false thoughts that according to ancient ...  Read More
Mystical Interpretation of Josef Story in the Qur’an
Mystical Interpretation of Josef Story in the Qur’an

khalil Parvini; SeyyedAli Dasp

Volume 2, Issue 3 , November 2010, Pages 7-40

  Mystical interpretation is an approach applied by the commentators of the Qur’an to disclose its esoteric meaning. The main feature of this approach that dates back to pre-Islamic ...  Read More
Comparative Analysis of Perfectionism in
Mysticism and Jung's Psychoanalysis
Comparative Analysis of Perfectionism in Mysticism and Jung's Psychoanalysis

seyed Ali-Asghar Mirbagherifard; Tayyebe Jafari

Volume 2, Issue 3 , November 2010, Pages 163-195

  Mystical journey is one of the most distinguished paths taken consciously by the seeker to achieve self-knowledge. Its goal is crystal-clear from the beginning and its stages and steps ...  Read More
Shams-e Tabrīzī’s Ironic Outlook to his Contemporary Discourses and Social Institutions
Shams-e Tabrīzī’s Ironic Outlook to his Contemporary Discourses and Social Institutions

Dawood Poormozaffari

Volume 2, Issue 3 , November 2010, Pages 137-162

  In this article by analyzing the rhetorical images in Shams-e Tabrīzī’s Maqâlât, his thought coherence beyond the inconsistent appearance of the text and the mystery ...  Read More