Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Arak University


This article aims at discussing the manifestation of Hadith-e Avāel in some Persian literary and Gnostic texts. Hadith-e Avāel includes three narrations, including the Pen, Intellect, and Prophet's light, that have been widely manifested in texts of Prophetic tradition, interpretation, philosophy, and Gnostic literature. In the three first types, the focus is on the first creation of God and its derivation from the One. In the last type, intuitive interpretation mainly based on the prophetic light (Hadith) and the First Intellect is reflected in prose and poetry. Persian mystical poets and writers have narrated this Hadith by means of allusion, metaphor, and simile and in some cases have gone beyond these literary phraseologies and have made allegorical narratives by personification of the Intellect. 
