Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate professor, PersianLanguage and Lliterature Department, Yazd University

2 M. A. in Persian Language and Literature, Yazd University


Dream as a spiritual experience is a common mean of expression among Gnostics. The wakefulness impossibilities can be realized in dream. Gnostics express their moral, educational, religious, spiritual, and personal observations and opinions through dreams and particularly they lofty wishes are reflected in them. Vision of God is one of these wishes often appeared in their dreams and quoted as their spiritual experience. In these experiences, the dreamer claims the perception of God’s sight or voice. Psychologists maintain that the observed sight is one of the imaginary and symbolic aspects of the dreamer’s unconsciousness that has reached the level of consciousness by dreaming. However, Gnostics’ interpretations are different. This inquiry is an attempt to study their diverse interpretations and to determine the validity of their vision of God based on the stated dreams in Atar's Tazkarata al-Uliya (6th century) and Jami's Nafahat al-Uns (9th century).
