Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate professor, Shiraz University

2 M. A. in philosophy and Islamic wisdom Shiraz University


This inquiry examines Attar’s reflections on fear of death as a major concern for all human beings. Fear of death may originate from the belief in the Hereafter where the consequences of deeds are revealed or because of loneliness. The fear and anxiety may increase as a result of weak faith, commitment of sins, and the terror of the long way to resurrection and encountering the Justice. Attar mentions several reasons that lead to this fear, particularly being an unknown and puzzling phenomenon. Nonetheless, he believes that this fear can be overcome by considering this worldly life as a realm of preparation for the Hereafter, a fact that gives sense and meaning to life. His approach to death is distinguished from normal people’s standpoint, for him death is a bridge for the connection of the devoted lover to the Beloved. Finally, Attar’s ideas on the benefits of death remembrance will be mentioned.
