Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Tarbiat Modares University

2 P. H. D. student in Persian Language & Literature, Tarbiat Modares University


Mystical interpretation is an approach applied by the commentators of the Qur’an to disclose its esoteric meaning. The main feature of this approach that dates back to pre-Islamic religious texts is emphasis on the esoteric and symbolic interpretation. Sufis and Gnostics, based on their intuitions, observations, and their mystic knowledge, interpreted the Qur’an in a distinct manner from other commentators.
Josef is one of the most mystically interpreted surahs. In this inquiry, ten of these interpretations are being treated from a mystical approach and the transformation of mystical outlook is being considered. The results indicate that while the commentators had applied both theoretical and practical mysticism approaches to the interpretation of the surah, they had profited more from the religious texts prior to the Qur’an and even sometimes had provided interpretations based on their mystical tastings. The interpretations provided of the surah up to the seventh century were based on asceticism and religious Law, however, later the teachings of Ibn Arabi and the effect he left among his followers raised the attention of commentators to esoteric interpretation.
