Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD in Islamic Mysticism and Imam Khomeini's Thoughts, Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


Lahiji, one of the great Iranian mystics of Noorbakhshia lineage, has spoken about his mystical revelations in the commentary that he wrote on Shabestari’s Gulshan-i Raz. Mystical revelations, as the specific experiences of mystics in explaining the mystical view and effective factors in reporting these experiences and the feelings experienced by the mystic, have continuously been the focus of attention of the researchers of philosophy of mysticism. Another important aspect in the investigation of mystical experiences is the influence of the cultural and educational context with which the mystic has been in contact. In view of that, in the present study, the researchers analyzed the components and elements of Sheikh's revelations using a descriptive and analytical method. The questions addressed were: “What are the elements and components of Lahiji's mystical experiences? And to what extent was Sheikh influenced by his previous teachings and cultural context?” According to the three dominant theories in the philosophy of mysticism, Lahiji's reports can be seen corroborating the intermediary view. Also, in addition to the theories and models the researchers have proposed regarding the experience of triple feelings (single being, oneness of beings, and oneness with beings), the feeling of oneness with a single being has been reported, which can be assumed as the fourth state in this model. In describing his experiences, Sheikh went through states in which upon perceiving God's presence and His inherent manifestations, he felt oneness with God and reached the experience of pure consciousness.


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