
Associate professor Persian Language and Literature , Birjand University


      Mathnavi Ma’navi of Jalal ad-Din Mohammad Mawlavi (Rumi) (604-672A.Hj.) contains particular epistemology which is a key element in understanding the poet’s thoughts and works. The components of this epistemology are sometimes expressed transparently and sometimes they can be understood or inferred from the poetics, considerations, and the conclusion of the speeches and stories. This descriptive-analytic research, based on the inductive study of the text and comparing Mawlavi and Husserl’s ideas, shows that the major components and requirements of epistemology of Mawlavi in Mathnavi are consistent with the theoretical and practical requirements of Husserl's phenomenological approach. It means that these views have been opened to Mawlavi’s epistemology from long time ago. These components are: transcendental attitude and belief in meditative Ego, suspension of presupposition in the cognitive activity (Epoch), rejection of traditional and imitative knowledge, overemphasis on direct perception, intuition and personal experiences, multi-dimensionality of phenomena and giving a new definition to everything and paraphrasing. The analysis indicates that the ideas such as deletion of Hejab (cover or veil), killing of Nafs (the sensual ego) and mystical isolation actually match the phenomenological approach because of referring to objects; deletion of the margins of cognitive activity and achieving intuitional perception.   
