Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor of Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Jahrom University, Jahrom, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Jahrom University, Jahrom, Iran


Kashf al-Mahjub is the first book written on Sufism in Persian language, and quoting Quranic verses is one of the stylistic features of this ancient text. In this research, the interpretation of the Quranic verses used in the introduction and the first six chapters of the book, in which the author deals with the fundamental tenets of Sufism, has been investigated and analyzed. The results show that in this part of the book, Hujwiri has cited 55 verses of the Qur'an to examine and explain 17 relatively general and diverse issues, and his understanding of 27 verses is correct; he has a personal understanding of 26 verses; and there is an obvious error in the interpretation of 2 verses. Accordingly, the interpretation of more than half of the examined verses cited by Hujwiri is personal; the biased proof provided by the author for his claims and his intended interpretation of some concepts of Sufism are the main causes of his personal and incorrect interpretations of these verses. One of the main reasons for these incorrect interpretations is Hujwiri’s imitation of his predecessors, his limited knowledge of verses and traditions and his purposive use of them, his special motive for proving his desired claims, and a kind of self-confidence arising from his acquaintance with mysticism and Sufism.


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