Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student of Persian Language and Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Ilahiname, the fourth Mathnavi by Mohammad Hossein Hosseini-e-Shirazi (1184-1249 AH), is one of the mystic works of Qajar era about which no research has been conducted. Among seven available manuscripts, the manuscript of Shiraz Allameh-Tabatabaei Library is the most credible one as confirmed by the poet. Ilahiname is a collection of mystic poetry containing over 9000 verses including hymns, allegories, and speeches that the poet has written preludes in rhythmic and rhymed prose for its different sections. Hosseini was one of the mystic leaders of Ne’matollahi sect and had been granted the status of guiding people for years. Due to his acquaintance with mystic texts, he tried to benefit from former mystic works, namely Mathnavi-Ma’navi in composing his poems. Hosseini’s emulation of Mowlavi (Rumi) or the impact of Ihahiname from Mathnavi-Ma’navi is sometimes clear and sometimes implicit in the work. Inserting Qur’anic verses; citing anecdotes and poems; bringing similar anecdotes; imitating Mathnavi narrative structure; interrupting and digressing anecdotes by the narrator; and expressing mystic thoughts represent this relationship. Considering his intellectual stance, presenting Shiite's thoughts, focusing on love in spiritual journeying, following the spiritual guide, and criticizing hypocritical piety are all evident in the work. The simple, clear, and smooth language and the use of vivid imageries have made Ilahiname a pleasant literary work; though there are obvious redundancies and repetitions in the text. The present research, using descriptive-analytical method, introduces Ilahiname, discusses its features, and analyzes its relationship with former texts especially Mathnavi-Ma’navi. It brings to the fore the work’s worth and nobility and acknowledges its significance in knowing the evolution of mystical literature.


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