Document Type : Scientific-research


Associate Professor of Languages and Literature Shahid Beheshti University


In recent studies, mysticism is divided into three realms: Mystical Experience, Mystical Practice, and Mystical Theory. There are conflicting opinions with regard to their precedence and antecedence. Some are of the opinion that theoretical principles precede mystical experiences and conduct believing that by the time the individual is not epistemologically informed, he does not approach mystical conduct to gain spiritual experience; others believe that experience precedes the two domains. Disregarding the argument, the situation and circumstances under which “mystical experience” comes about is a significant issue of. One possible answer to this query is that the seeker when placed in "Boundary Situation"—critical moments of inner feebleness, bewilderment caused by insight, senses of epistemological hollowness, futility and the like—is inclined to a supernatural force wholeheartedly, and in this situation fathoms what is called mystical experience. This experience, apart from the excitement and wonder, gives rise to the seeker's personality growth and spiritual excellence. In this essay, we will examine two allegorical-symbolic stories of "Pir Changi" and "Moses and the Shepherd", focusing on the mystical experience that their main characters passed through in boundary situations. In both anecdotes, the leading characters (Pir Chang and Shepherd), in a boundary situation, undergo a wonderful experience through other characters; respectively, Omar bin Khattab and Moses, and go through the spiritual path to the highest degree. In both anecdotes, Rumi insists that the condition of attaining spiritual authorities and positions is neither a-priori knowledge (Sufism) nor performing the formal conduct (austerity); rather placing oneself exposed to (in situation of) meaning and seizing the irreplaceable opportunities would be the key to spiritual salvation.


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