Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor, Alzahra University

2 Graduate M.A. student, Alzahra University


The Ghessat al-Ghorbat al-Gharbiya (Story of western alienation) is one of the most striking symbolic treatises of Sohrevardī.In this story, ‘sheikh of illumination’ depicts the meeting of the luminous human with its divine mate as a dream like experience in the form of a spiritual journey.It is the story of descent of soul and its captivity in the chains of material word. It portraits the carnal soul’s struggles in passing the obstacles and ends with arriving at Tour-e-Sina and the father’s mythical temple and visiting him.The archetypes have a special function in advancing the theme of this story and picturing its events. Therefore, a Jungian archetypal approach has been adopted. The archetypal situations and characters that have been considered specially are respectively as follows: quest and yearn, rebirth, journey, conversion of multiplicity to unity, passing through water and fire; and those of characters: the wise old man, anima, and shadow.
