Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payam-e Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Jalāl al-Dīn Moḥammad Balkhi explains some outstanding artistic forms and special mystical themes in the form of Arabic poetry as the expression of Mathnavi teachings. This research examines the linguistic and literary aspects of this type of poems through the study of all-Arabic verses and stanzas of Mathnavi and it shows the amount of innovations in their structure and through Arabic poems, he pays attention to the most important purposes of Rumi in the presentation of themes. The aim is to analyze the artistic standards of Arabic poems, the heresies of Rumi in the structural domain of these poems and the quality of explaining the concepts considered by him to express the content. In order to know about the necessity of the existence of Mathnavi Arabic poems, the method of combining Arabic verses with Persian verses was studied in the method of content analysis and with an aesthetic approach. For this purpose, 123 verses and 99 stanzas were examined in six books of Mathnavi. The results show that in some cases it is not possible to express the meaning except in Arabic. The main reason for this, apart from criticizing the character of the grammar scholars, departure from the normal norms of language, the fusion of Rumi's thoughts and findings from Arabic and Persian sources, the creation of multiple meanings in a new form and the deepening of mystical experiences through the creation of a special Mathnavi language. On this evolutionary path, certain linguistic priorities occur in construction and form. In this regard, Mevlânâ does many creative things to deepen the foundations of Mathnavi thought and in this way, it smooths the uneven path of expressing Mathnavi themes in conveying its various purposes.


Main Subjects

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