
1 Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University

2 M. A. Persian Language and Literature, Kirmanshah Payame Noor University

3 M. A. in Persian language and literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


Lacan, from his post-structural standpoint, states that the ‘subject’ steps into the “symbolic level” after passing through the “fantastic level”. It is the phase when the child’s illusion is broken down and consequently the child suffers from the sensation of loss. Children consistently desire to return to the world of childhood in the fantastic level and try to keep alive its remembrance by its attribution to small objects.
Maulanā’s beliefs about the growth of the human’s soul may be discussed from Lacan’s theoretical viewpoint. Maulanā declares that when the soul is separated from its original source, by passing through the fantastic level, steps into the world of the symbolic level. Initially, it entertains itself with the worldly belongings and language, while, later, it perceives how far is from its origin. As a result, it tries to approach its origin by means of the small objects and the signs of theprimary world such as the saints, the manifestation of God, the heart and mystical dance. Therefore, by this inquiry I intend firstly to provide a brief explanation of Lacan’s psychological development and then to consider Maulanā’s point of view in this regard.
