From Lacan to Maulanā (The Psychological Growth of the Subject)
From Lacan to Maulanā (The Psychological Growth of the Subject)

Gahreman Shiri; Behroz Mehri; Seyyed Arman Hosseini Abbariki

Volume 4, Issue 6 , April 2012, Pages 81-100

  Lacan, from his post-structural standpoint, states that the ‘subject’ steps into the “symbolic level” after passing through the “fantastic level”. ...  Read More
The Unity of Being in Mīkha’īl Naīma’s Hams al-Jufon
The Unity of Being in Mīkha’īl Naīma’s Hams al-Jufon

Mahdi Masboogh; Ali Azizi; Hadiseh Farzbood

Volume 4, Issue 6 , April 2012, Pages 121-142

  The Unity of Being (Wahdat-e Wūjūd) is a mystic-philosophical theory attributed to Sufism. The outstanding figures of Islamic mysticism such as Bāyazīd Bastāmī, Hallāj and Ibn ...  Read More
Reversal of Values in Rūmī’s Mathnavī
Reversal of Values in Rūmī’s Mathnavī

Naser Jaberi

Volume 4, Issue 6 , April 2012, Pages 7-32

  The ‘reversal of values,’ as an appealing features, is considered as one of the basis for many stories and ideas in Mathnawī of Rūmī. This article, firstly, introduces ...  Read More
A Consideration of the Concept of Epiphany from Ibn Arabī’s Viewpoint
A Consideration of the Concept of Epiphany from Ibn Arabī’s Viewpoint

Reza Fahimi; Hosien AghaHoseini; Mohammadreza Nasr Esfahani

Volume 4, Issue 6 , April 2012, Pages 101-120

  Epiphany (tajallī) is one of the most important concepts in Islamic mysticism and Ibn Arabī is one of the most outstanding figures in this realm. He is known as the founder of ‘theoretical ...  Read More
A Critical Analysis of Konya’s Manuscript of Kolliyat Shams 
The Konya’s Manuscript or Furūzanfar’s Correction?
A Critical Analysis of Konya’s Manuscript of Kolliyat Shams The Konya’s Manuscript or Furūzanfar’s Correction?

Rahman Moshtaghmhr

Volume 4, Issue 6 , April 2012, Pages 143-179

  In the last fifty years, Furūzanfar’s correction of Kulliyāt Shams has been considered as the most essential attempt at organizing numerous ghazals attributed to Maulānā in ...  Read More
Manifestations of the Beauty and Glory and their Behavioral Consequences in the Mysticism of Ashāb al- Sukr and Ashāb al- Sahw
Manifestations of the Beauty and Glory and their Behavioral Consequences in the Mysticism of Ashāb al- Sukr and Ashāb al- Sahw

Akram Joudi Nemati

Volume 4, Issue 6 , April 2012, Pages 33-60

  The present article majorly deals with the relation of manifestation with behavioral norms of the mystics. It intends to show how, in the history of Sufism, the manifestation of the ...  Read More
An Analysis of Shath by ‘Speech Act Theory’
An Analysis of Shath by ‘Speech Act Theory’

Mahdi Zarghani; Elham Akhlaghi

Volume 4, Issue 6 , April 2012, Pages 61-80

  The application of linguistic theories to the analysis of literary texts is fruitful to the achievement of new insights and aspects in both areas of study. Therefore, in this inquiry ...  Read More