
Professor, Azarbayjan TarbiatMoallem University


In the last fifty years, Furūzanfar’s correction of Kulliyāt Shams has been considered as the most essential attempt at organizing numerous ghazals attributed to Maulānā in the Indian and Iranian publications. At the occasion of the eight hundred birth anniversary of Maulānā in the year 2007, Tufigh Subhani’s attempts led to the simultaneous publication of a facsimile and a type print of Konya’s Manuscript (768-770). It was one of the manuscripts used by Furūzanfar in the correction of Kulliyāt Shams. This publication was an important step in Maulānā studies by providing a comprehensive original text of Kulliyāt Shams of second half of the eight century. However, it was far from competing with Furūzanfar’s critical correction. This paper aims at comparing and contrasting the first five hundred ghazals of Subhani’s facsimile and type versions with those in Furūzanfar’s correction. It is done by considering diverse readings of them and their various records. The paper also suggests a deductive correction of the verses.
