
Assistant Professor, KhalijFars University


The ‘reversal of values,’ as an appealing features, is considered as one of the basis for many stories and ideas in Mathnawī of Rūmī. This article, firstly, introduces some instances of value reversal such as the preference of death to life, madness to wisdom, servant to lord and anger to kindness. The second part discusses the reasons behind these preferences which, among others, include the reversal of God’s laws- as opposed to those of humans-, the interior and the exterior, and the basic views of death and annihilation. According to Rūmī, what hinders our understanding of these reversals is ‘existence.’ Existence is comprehended through reason. Therefore, to perceive the reversals one should ignore reason. Rūmī’s thoughts indicate the contrast between truth and appearance. Thus, for instance, existence is concealed in non-existence. This peculiar notion could be perceived only by grasping the reversing play of love.
