Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Theology Department, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The harmony of the universe with the Divine Book, which provides an avenue for esoteric knowledge, illuminative discovery and continued inspired perception of God, is one of the deep argumentative-mystical and Qur’anic issues discussed by mystics. Although the origin of this thought could be attributed to Ibn-e-Arabi, the mystics succeeding him strived to delve into it more meticulously and explore the truth of the connection between the worlds and the universe orders with the Holy Qur’an. Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari and Allameh Seyyed Haydar Amoli are among the celebrated mystics who investigated the issue and strived for confirming the correspondence between components of the Compilation (Tadwin) book and Genesis (Takwin) book. The present study, applying a library research method, aims to explore the thoughts of these two great mystics, compare their views concerning these two worlds and their examples, and discuss the applications of such a discussion. Accordingly, it is argued that such a discussion by these two mystics not only underscores the interpretability, inimitability, and miraculous quality of the Holy Qur’an, but also suggests the respect bestowed on world creatures—as manifestations of the Divine Essence—the integration of the universe of existence, and the connectivity of all its components.


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