
1 Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Nadjaf Abad University

2 M. A. Student, Persian Language and Literature, Nadjaf Abad University

3 Ph. D. Student, Persian Language and Literature, Arak University


A recurring subject in mystical literature is the study of mystical literatures’ common symbols. The commonality of symbols cannot be due to but the existence of a unique archetype which has a unique manifestation in diverse traditions. One of such symbols is ‘the loss of feathers’. It has two main significances, one is the renunciation of temporal power which is the prerequisite of acceptance of the divine world, and another is the loss of the spiritual power and, in its wake, the fall caused by indolence in spiritual practice and indulgence in passion. Instances of the latter may be found in mystical and spiritual literature of the Hindus, Greeks, Arabs and Persians, and as such can be presented as a common symbol in literature, religion and beyond it, that is, the unique Truth from which all religions spring forth.
