Document Type : Scientific-research


Associate Professor of Multimedia Faculty, Tabriz Islamic Art University


One of the important issues in mystical philosophy is the discussion of the role of experiential structures in the content of mystical experiences and their relationship to one another, which has led to the formation of approaches such as personalism, essentialism, structuralism, and Decontextualism. In this analytical-comparative research, after introducing each of these positions, the search for Mulla Sadra's response to this matter was explored.
Findings: In Mulla Sadra's approach, personal structures play a significant role in mystical experiences. He believes that mystics become aware of the sublime truths through reflection and experience in their inner reality and therefore the role of talents, beliefs, behaviors, expectations, tendencies, and attentions is influential in these experiences. However, in some cases, he also acknowledges parallel mystical experiences in distinct traditions and has confirmations in line with the perennial philosophy. In other words, his approach is not uniform across all mystical experiences. He considers some vertical data as imaginary and chooses a purely structuralist position. Mulla Sadra's approach is a dialectical structuralism; according to Sadra, as the experiencer ascends to higher levels of existence and diminishes self-attention, the role of individual structures becomes less prominent, and the convergence of mystics in parallel experiences increases. In these cases, his approach to analyzing mystical literature is a contextual analysis.


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