Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Kosar University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran.


In the present paper, the realization of aesthetic system of discourse is analyzed in the story of “Halima’s Asking Help of the Idols” in the fourth book of Mathnavi. Collaboration and interaction between “sound” and “light”, as two forces, play a significant role in this story’s plot; on the basis of which meaning is formed. Examining the semiotic function of these two factors suggests that a kind of aesthetic system governs the infrastructure of this story. This system is realized in a sensory-perceptual and event-based process and with elements such as affection, sense, event, and state. The issue that arises is how light and sound in an interactive and sensory-perceptual process form a new discourse and create an unpredicted meaning. The main question addressed in this study is how these two factors can lead to the realization of the aesthetic system and transcendence of the discourse. Also, the question arises as to what the function of such a process is. In fact, the purpose of the research is to investigate the formation of the aesthetic system in the discussed story and explain its semio-semantic function. Our hypothesis is that the two factors of "sound" and "light" form an interactive atmosphere. This creates a sensory, event-based, and state space in the discourse; as a result of which the aesthetic system and the transcendental status of presence are realized.


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