Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor and Academic Staff Member of Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

2 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran


One of the important topics in the field of Rumi-related research is the critique and analysis of Masnavi commentaries. Khwarazmi's commentary, Jawahir al-Asrar, after Ahmad Rumi’s commentary (720), is the oldest commentary written on Masnavi in Persian language in Iran, which has influenced many commentators in the later periods. Although the commentator could not have used other commentaries and most likely, he did not have access to Romi commentary, the influence of the ideas of great Persian and Arab mystics and poets on him can be seen. Therefore, the researchers, through using descriptive-analytical research method as well as library resources, have tried to determine which of the primary sources of mystical prose has had greater impact on the structure and content of Jawahir al-Asrar and the extent to which it owes them. The results of this research help commentators and Masnavi researchers to better understand the meanings and concepts of this commentary. Furthermore, the findings will make them aware of the initiatives, innovations, or imitations in this commentary by examining the extent to which this commentary was influenced by other mystical prose texts such as Mersad al-Ebad, Tazkerat al-Awliya, Mishkat al-Anwar, Fusus al-Hakam, to mention some. It is worth mentioning that despite the great significance of this commentary and the new insights offered by it, it could not be called a compilation or composition since it is a report, writing out, or artistic collection of other ancient and primary prose mystical sources preceding it; which the commentator has often used with or without citing the sources and has included them in his commentary.


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