Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant professor, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman


Mystical themes form a considerable part of Persian literary texts. Mystical reflections such as philosophy are divided into two aspects of theoretical and practical. Practical mysticism is a spiritual journey traversed with guidance of a spiritual master on the way to achieve personality metamorphosis. Consulting is similar to practical mysticism in the interaction between a counselor and an interlocutor, in resolving uncertainties and the ambiguities, and moreover in achieving intellectual and personality perfection of the interlocutor. However, there is a main difference between these processes: in mysticism the ‘master’ and in consulting the ‘interlocutor’ has the pivotal role. In spite of some more discrepancies, there are enough similarities to be able to draw parallels between mystical conduct and consulting. This inquiry aims at showing these differences and similarities in order to find a suitable practical model for consulting based on the emotional and mental interaction between the master and the disciple in practical mysticism.
