Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD Student of Islamic Sufism and Mysticism, Faculty of Humanities, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Following theology, anthropology is undoubtedly one of the most important issues in mysticism, and mystics have had a unique perspective and interpretation in this regard. Abu Abdollah Neffari, as one of these mystics, has presented his mystical experiences in numerous verses in the two books Al-Mawaqef and Al-Mukhatabat, using a highly intricate language. Hence, his anthropological approach can be inferred from these intuitive reports. Human recognition in the thought of this mystic has various dimensions, one of which involves the discussion of the human in relation to this world. The main question of this research is as follows: What are the characteristics of “this world’s man” in Neffari’s mystical thought? With this aim, the authors, using a descriptive-analytical method, extracted and compiled the “anthropological” content of his mystical thought with a focus on the verses related to “worldly human”. They have concluded that Neffari strongly emphasizes that humans exist in the intermediary realm between “Haq” (Truth) and “Maseva” (Deviation from the Truth), and this position is the most important factor in human affliction and trial. He also does not limit the examples of “maseva” to metaphysical beings and considers some aspects of human existence as examples of “maseva”.


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