Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic mysticism, Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution, Tehran, Iran


Khwaja Abdullah Ansari is a person who clearly tried to present a coherent system in the first mystical tradition. Today, practical mysticism is known by the name of Khwaja and his works, especially Manazel al-Saerin. In this article, however, it has been demonstrated that Khwaja Abdallah could not represent the completeness of practical mysticism, neither in terms of intellectual personality, nor in terms of faith or practical tradition. The greatest representative and master of practical mysticism, Najmuddin Kobra, is the founder and editor of Suluk Shattar. Practical mysticism among Sufis is presented with an emphasis on heart actions, self-knowledge and its levels, voluntary death, mystical death and rebirth, mystical events, observation, etc. in the axis of a non-linear model. Najmuddin and his disciples have paid most attention to the above key words about the non-linear centrality of practical mysticism. For this reason, he is the best representative of Khorasan elders in practical mysticism and conduct. Today, scholars are referred to Manazil al-Saerin written by Khwaja Abdullah Ansari for research on spiritual development, but in the field of practice, no one has represented the practical mysticism of Khorasan better than Najmuddin Kobra.


Main Subjects

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