Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Graduate M.A. Student, Kashan University

2 Associate Professor, Kashan University


This article is an attempt to analyze Mualānā’s approach to the concept of inference or reasoning in Mathnavī. Primarily, the definition of inference is provided and its various types are distinguished, then, the application of each type is studied in Mathnavī and a number of examples are given to illustrate Maulānā’s approach to the act of reasoning. Moreover, the relation between Maulānā, the author, and his addressee’s conception is discussed in details. It is demonstrated that Maulānā applied reasoning to enhance addressee’s conception rather than to prove a claim. He particularly applied logical reasoning, a common concept in ethics, which is comprised of diverse types such as, rational, traditional, or jointly. As a pulpit preacher, he employed parables and similes for rational argument, and cited Qur’an and Hadīth for traditional argument.  
