Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran


Numerous books and articles have been written about the mystic and celebrated Iranian poet, Attar, and there is hence an extensive record of Attar-related studies. The proliferation of these studies further demonstrates the necessity of studying and analyzing them in order to have a good grasp of the depth and breadth of conducted studies and their achievements, and to refrain from undertaking repetitive studies. Keeping a record of research heritage of literary figures is one of the necessary undertakings in today's literary research, which aids researchers to be aware of the issues that have or have not been investigated with regard to them. Attar is the focus of the present descriptive-analytic study. Due to the vastness of Attar-related studies, only the record of relevant studies in Persian articles is discussed in this article. The time period covered by the study is 1300 SH to 1395 SH. Six-hundred fifty Persian articles about Attar have been published in specialized literary journals, especially scientific-research ones, during these 95 years. Statistics related to time distribution of these articles and their broad and detailed topics have been presented in several tables, and an analysis of the trend and approaches of Attar-related studies in these 95 years has been carried out.


Ahmadi, B. (1997). Chahar gozaresh az Tazkereh-al-Awliya [Four reports on Attar’s Tazkereh-al-Awliya]. Markaz.
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Fadavi, T. (2013). The concept of voluntary death from the perspective of Sanai and Attar. Mysticism in Persian Literature, (17), 103-85.
Forouzanfar, B. (1961). Sharhe ahval va naghd va tahlile asare Sheikh Farid al-din Mohammad Attar Neyshabouri [Biography and critique and analysis of the works of Sheikh Farid al-din Mohammad Attar Neyshabouri]. National Works Association.
Ghahremani, S. (1930). Farid al-din Attar: The author of Bolbolnameh. Arman, (3), 114-118.
Hamidi, M. (1965). Attar in selected Masnavies and excerpts from his Masnavi. Yaghma, (210), 524-529.
Hasanli, K. (2001). Sa’di pazhuhi [Studying Sa’di]. Persian Studies Foundation.
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Heidari, A. (2003). A comparison between similar stories in Mowlavi Masnavi and those of Attar. Literary Text Research, 7 (17), 134-154.
Hosseinabadi, M., & Elhambakhsh, S. M. (2006). The fools: Spokesmen of the protesting fraction of society in the era of Attar. Journal of Research in Persian Language and Literature, (13), 71-100.
Hosseini, S. H. (2005). Attar, allegory and mystical symbolism. Poetry, (43), 3-10.
Kamali Baniani, M., & Nayeri, Y. (2006). Comparison of the thesis of Imamate from Mohiyeddin Arabi, Shabestari, Attar and Allame Tabataba'i perspectives. Literary Text Research, 10 (27), 139-170.
Karim Pasandi, K. (2013). Concept of pain from Attar’s viewpoint. Islamic Mysticism, 10 (37), 81-100.
Karim Pasandi, K. (2016). Concept of pain and joy in Attar's view. Mysticism in Persian literature, 7 (28), 89-103.
Kazemifar, M. (2013). The socio-political functions of intelligent fools based on the tales of Attar. Persian Language and Literature, 7 (24), 83-104.
Khazaei, M., & Farbod, F. (2003). The study of the image of the symbol of Simurgh (with emphasis on Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and Attar's Maniq-u-ayr). Visual Arts, (20), 4-14.
Khazaeifar, A. (2005). Magical realism in the Tazkereh-al-Awliya. Farhangistan Letter, 7 (1/25), 6-21.
Khodayari, M. (2015). Death and voluntary death from Sanai, Attar and Mowlana’s points of view. Mysticism in Persian Literature, 7 (25), 54-76.
Khodayari, M. (2016). Death and voluntary death from Sanai’s, Attar's and Mowlana's points of view: A symbolic approach. Journal of Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature, 8 (27), 41-66.
Khosravi, H. (2008). A glance at Attar's symbolism in Maniq-u-ayr. Mytho-Mystic Literature, 4 (12), 65-80.
Minavi, M. (1961). From the treasures of Turkey (3). Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, 8 (3), 2-29.
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Mohabbati, M. (2006). Attar’s mystical viewpoint on the realm and the nature of poetry. Mystical Studies, 1(4), 174-159.
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Mooshtaqi, Z. (2008). Analysis and comparative study of Attar’s Maniq-u-ayr and Hugo’s Centuries Legend. Literary Research, 5(19), 139-153.
Moradi, A., & Chalak, S. (2015). Unknown valley: Study of the symbols of the story of the King and the Maid through its adaptation to the stories of Sheikh San’an, Siddhartha and the life story of Mowlana. Classical Persian Literature, 6(3), 82-101.
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