
1 Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Buali Sina University

2 M. A. Persian Literature and Literature, Buali Sina University


This paperintroducesanima’s archetypeand its representationin the notion of unconscious introduced by Jung. It analyses this archetype in some cases of theworld literatureandmythology and moreover in some cases of contemporary Iranian literature. Bothpositive and negativeroles of anima are considered and someofitspropertiesintheworld and their representation in Shams’ ghazals are mentioned. Given theevidencesin thetext,anima inRumi’s ghazals has certain features such as subjugation, enchantment, the source of life, holiness and mediationbetweenconscious and unconscious.  Moreover, it is represented through symbols of birds such as parrot and phoenix,andothersymbolslikethe fairy, deer, the moon, air, waterandwindand the words such asfetishandidol.
