Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Literature, Amin Police University, Tehran, Iran


The treatise "Wesal Ahmadi" or "Awakher Hayat Mujaddid Alf Sani" is actually a supplement to a treatise called "Zubdat al-Maqamat" or "Barakat al-Ahmadiyya Baqiyeh", which is about the life, works, spirits, and facts of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, nicknamed Imam Rabbani and Mujaddid Alf Sani and some of his caliphs and descendants were written. The author of this treatise is Badr al-Din Sirhindi, a famous Sufi and biographer of the Naqshbandi sect in the 11th century. Badr al-Din wrote this short and concise treatise following the completion of the book "Zubdat al-Maqamat" by Khwaja Muhammad Hashim Keshmi who did not succeed in finishing this book and convey the events and incidents of the last days of Sheikh Ahmad's life. The treatise "Wesal Ahmadi" contains reliable, irreplaceable, and valuable information from the last days the life of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, which is narrated directly and immediately and is necessary for a more detailed understanding of his life, his spirits, and his faith. Despite its fame within the Naqshbandi sect and its importance for research, this treatise has remained rare, hidden, and neglected. In this article, in addition to correcting, suspending, and updating the version and adding textual explanations, an attempt has been made to introduce, analyze, and explain its place and author in the Naqshbandiyeh tradition of the Mujaddidiyeh. The research method in this article is descriptive and analytical, and library sources have been used.


Main Subjects

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