Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Ph.D. student of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Abu Abdullah Mohammad Ibn Khafif Shirazi, the founder of the Khafifi mystical dynasty, is among the most influential figures in the history of Islamic Sufism. In spite of his crucial role in developing and expanding Islamic mysticism, there has been no systematic study of his mystical disposition to date. This descriptive-analytic research was conducted to gain a profounder understanding of Ibn Khafif's mystical disposition. The questions addressed are: What is the origin and destination of mystical journey in Ibn Khafif's approach, and where do the other destinations lie in between? How important is each of these destinations to the seeker's progress? Which abilities are required to earn the achievements of each destination and what are the manners for acquiring them? The works and sayings of Sheikh did not provide clear responses to these questions; however, the most significant outcome derived from the existing evidence is that devotion is the origin of conduct, and divine recognition is the goal. The origin and the final destination are separated by mystical destinations; among which are mystical states, and according to Ibn Khafif, they are superior to the stations. As the destination of consciousness is preferred over inebriation, and hence, less importance is placed on expansion, enchantment, profanity, and prayer-like dancing, and more emphasis is placed on poverty, asceticism, fear, and grief destinations, the importance of presence is also elevated above that of absence. The destination of poverty is of particular importance to Ibn Khafif, and the preference for poverty over wealth is another indicator worth observing in his mystical disposition. His mysticism is based on Junaid Baghdadi’s teachings; nevertheless, he was influenced by the mystical teachings of Bayazid, which were disseminated in Fars.


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