Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Ayatollah Boroujerdi, Boroujerd, Iran


The storytelling tradition (Naghali) in its specific sense had probably existed in Iran several hundred years before the Safavid rule, but the period of real popularity of Naghali dates back to the Safavid era. Naghali was divided into different types of reading off the screen or curtain such as: Parde-khani, Hamzeh-khani, Shamayel-khani, Sourat-khani, Ghavvali and Rozeh-khani; however, the most important and attractive type of Naghali could be the narration of Shahnameh and epic stories. Although the roots of such Naghali stories (narration of Shahnameh and heroic stories) come from the traditions and narrations of ancient Persian heroism, their main and obvious characteristic is being influenced by the beliefs, convictions, and values ​​of the storytellers and the audience of such narrations. Among these beliefs and values are the ​​teachings of Sufism, which due to the prevalence of Sufism in the Safavid and Qajar eras (Naghali narration period), and more importantly, the narration of such stories by dervishes of Ajam and Khaksariyeh sects, they have entered the narrative/Naghali texts of Shahnameh. By examining the written narrations, one can clearly see the influence of the traditions and elements of Sufi literature on them; Traditions and elements such as wearing a dervish clothing, repentance, asceticism, austerity, voluntary death, and various miracles by some epic heroes and kings.


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