Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


"Ma'arif al-Haqayiq fi Tahqiq al-Daqayiq" falls under the category of mystical writings. The author, Mirpadshah, identifies himself in his book as a descendant of Mir Haider Kasbi, a sheikh of the Naqshbandi sect. Mir Haider Kasbi's grave is now a shrine in the province of Nakhshab (currently Qarshi). He is a relative of Khwaja Saad and the author of "Ma'arif al-Haqayq" and "Izah al-Istlahat Va Tafsil Al-Maqamat". Written in 1003 AH during the reign of Abdullah Bahadur Khan, "Ma'arif al-Haqayq" is a commentary on "Lama'at" by Fakhr al-Din Iraqi, inspired by a man named Mirak Sufi. The author defines and explains mystical concepts at the beginning of the book. He also adds his explanations while writing Iraqi's words, whom he calls Musannef. He writes down the words of the Iraqi in red and his explanations in black. This document lacks history, including articles, dissertations, and books; however, Iraqi's existing explanations are given as background. The thorough definitions of mystical terminology are found in the preface of the version and in the section preceding the main text, which are not found in other explanations and are considered innovative. There are no duplicate manuscripts for this version. It is readable, written by the author, and contains very few omissions. The detailed description of the text "Lamaat" combined with the thorough explanations of the mystical terms, the detailed explanations of mystical terms, the elegant and eloquent choice of words, the use of literary structures such as similes, the abundance of adjectives and the information of the Naqshbandi sect make this description an effective example. During the time regarded as the decline of Persian prose, it is of great importance for prose. The command of mystical topics and the coherence of the author's writing remind me of Lahiji's account of Shabestari’s "Golshan Raz." It must therefore be corrected, in order to provide the audience with a comprehensive description of the Lamaat, in addition to the richness of spiritual literature.


Main Subjects

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