Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 PhD student of Persian Language and Literature, Arak University, Arak, Iran


Since there is no accurate information about the life of Taj ad-Din Mahmoud Oshnuvi, researchers have just speculated about the details of his life. Accordingly, publication of any document that can clarify some aspects of his life is of great importance. In this article, besides examining the opinions of the researchers about Oshnuvi's life and works, a newfound letter by Majd ad-Din Baghdadi is introduced; the content of which reveals that Oshnuvi lived around the years 597 to 602 A.H. in Herat. While staying in Herat, he guided his disciples, taught, and preached in an old monastery. At that time, his status and reputation were so high that the people around Muhammad Khwarazmshah, fearing his spiritual influence, tried to defame him. They attempted to alter Sultan's opinion about him. As soon as Khwarazmshah besieged Herat, he imprisoned Oshnuvi. At last, a great mystic like Majd ad-Din Baghdadi, who respected and honored him, exploited his great influence in Khwarazmshah’s court to free Oshnuvi from captivity.                                     


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