Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran

2 Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature Kharazmi University


Abstract The relationship between "Man and God" in the highest and purest form may be reflected in our mysthical heritage. Appreciation and great works of Sufism, full of the most romantic and most intimate dialogue between man and God. In the meantime, the authorities of the remains of Hasan Khargani - one of the big-Sufi mystics and elders is - the relationship between "Man and God" to the most beautiful and purest form found is in You and me out with God. Since Martin Buber, German philosopher's the organization has theory on the nature of the relationship between I and you, man and God , and, in the meantime the relationship between man and man, , This paper is inspired by the idea of I and you Buber, to explain fresh and new analysis of the relationship between "Man and God" in the story of four officials of Khargani .


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