Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PH.D Student of Mystical Literature, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature Department, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Although mysticism is all recognition and insight, yet, since this school of thought enjoys different aspects, recognition which means receiving and reaching the reality is considered part of joining the reality. Conceived thus, this study attempts to clarify recognition, its ways, and orders from the viewpoint of Ruzbihan Baqli Fasayee Shirazi. The main problem addressed is clarifying recognition as the final purpose of the mystic, its types and orders, methods of reaching, prerequisites, impacts and results in the mystical disposition of this great mystic of the sixth century (AH). The adopted research method is library-documentary and descriptive–analytical. Presentation of Ruzbihan’s viewpoints on recognition, classification of mystics into three groups of lay people, elites, and special elites, investigation of the types and orders of recognition, its prerequisites, impacts and results are the innovations of this study. From the viewpoint of this great mystic, four elements of self, soul, reason, and heart are the apparatuses for receiving and reaching the reality. However, each one of these four elements fathoms one facet of recognition which in His glorious manifestation burns all this by the capable hands of God and becomes prepared for a spiritual attraction (jazbeh) from God to be absorbed and taken to His presence.


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