
1 Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University

2 Ph. D. Student, Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University


cosmology of diverse populations, is provenance of Hermes rituals in ancient Egypt enjoying various functions of divinity, intellectuality, ontology, guidance and aestheticism. Yet, its function was extensively multiplied in Zoroastrian theology. The conjoint impact of diverse religions of Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity and ‘Sabeen Mandaee’ played a significant role in the transference of the illumination thought. However, its apogee was reached in Islam on the basis of intellect.
An analysis of the literary and mystical writings of Hallāj, Rūzbehān and Sohrewardī, indicate that illumination in these texts stand for the unity of God, the sanctity of Islam’s prophet, the Divine and Human Beauty, ontological status and angelology. The results of this inquiry suggest that the vast disposition of Sufism and Persian literature, relying on the Islamic principles, reflects a totality of ancient savants’ ideas.
