Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Ph.D. student of Persian Language and Literature, Literature and Humanities Faculty, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Department of Persian Language and Literature, Literature and Humanities Faculty, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Literature and Humanities Faculty, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran


Entering the field of religious studies, hermeneutic phenomenology encloses the authority of the sacred texts as a normative guide with specific and defined patterns in brackets. This suspension opens up the field of non-descriptive poetic reference to the world. The events recounted in the Holy Book, regarded as historical events, now enjoy a textual existence which has distanced itself from its previous origins. Their current meanings are the product of their registration within a network of texts that consecutively support and displace each other in an intertextual whole. Accordingly, the Holy Book is above all a discourse that the general theory of the text recognizes as a link in a chain of communication. Paul Ricoeur, in compiling her hermeneutic arc, by emphasizing the stage of critical explanation (literary criticism), enables the transition from the initial superficial and biased interpretation to a deep reading that stands against the confrontation with objectivity. In this article, taking into account Ricoeur's views, we examine the concepts of “revelation and testimony” in Goran's holy texts; then by analyzing the poetry and discourse of “Nowruz Sorani” in this context, we try to demonstrate the objective pattern of these concepts in the sacred texts of Goran (Yarsan/Ahl-e-Haq). This suspension causes the revelation to be comprehended according to the unique features of discourses and, at the same time, through their mutual relationships. Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutic phenomenology, emphasizing the stage of critical explanation, enables the Holy Book to move away from the culturally dependent mental interpretations as well as fundamentalist interpretations and continues to be a point of reference and utilization in today's modern world.


Main Subjects

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