Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran

2 MA in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran


The existential domains of man are representive of his thoughts and behavior, which are rooted in various sciences. The actions and behaviors that are manifested in humans from these domains, depending on the type of division, enjoy their own characteristics; accordingly, it is considered a suitable method to know the different dimensions of a human being. Shams Tabrizi's life has always been wrapped in ambiguity and this has continuously encouraged the audience to learn more about the different aspects of his behavior. In the present paper, organized by content analysis and explanation method and using library sources, the researchers adopted Shafii Kadkani’s classification of human existence domains into three bright, gray and dark categories to analyze Shams Tabrizi's personality based on his articles and to explicate each of the existential domains of his personality psychologically. The results of the study show that Shams has highly desirable features and critical views as well unpleasant features; nevertheless, due to his inner beauty, he is well liked in the minds of his audience, and every reader by reflecting on his articles realizes that he seeks to find manifestations of goodness in most of his words. Love of God, seeking help from Him, kindness, and compassion are among the qualities that constantly cause eternity and brilliance in his bright domain. In the gray domain of ​​Shams, we face a mystic who criticizes and reprimands many renowned mystics of Persian Literature with the label of disobedience to the Prophet. Shams' black domain of existence includes irascibilities, aggressions, insults and humiliations that he utters.


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