Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD Candidate of Mystical Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Guilan University, Guilan, Iran.


Despite the prevalent and dominant assumption which considers mystical texts devoid of epistemological and philosophical propositions, cognitive and metacognitive propositions and principles can be seen profusely in mystical texts, specifically in Mowlavi's couplets. Mowlavi is well aware of the role of schemas, mentalities, and situations in shaping human cognition. Although this was Existentialism that initially conceptualized existential experiences. Yet human being has found himself involved with these situations since the advent of existence. Intellectuals such as Mowlavi have also referred to these existential experiences. From Mowlavi viewpoint, our knowledge of self and the world is based on the accounts that we dogmatically consider as absolute and definite. However, upon being put in certain situations, we get to realize that they are not that reliable. To display the incredibility of conditional mentalities and cognition, he frequently places his stories' characters in brittle, tensional, and boundary situations to make their inaccurate and negative schemas—which seem evident, natural and credible—get deconstructed and transformed by examining existential experiences. Through experiencing such boundary situations (using Jaspers’ words) and the anxiety caused by them, reliable supports and formal stereotypes begin to collapse, and the possibility of new experiences and perspectives, such as the possibility of experiencing beyond the limits, namely, transcendence and existence, is raised.


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