Document Type : Scientific-research


Professor of Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The present article introduces a newfound manuscript of one of Najm al- Din Razi's (573-654 AH) treatises, which was written before the Mongol invasion and during the life of Majd al- Din Baghdadi (martyrdom: 607 or 616 AH). Besides describing and editing the treatise, attempts are made in this study to prove its attribution to Najm al- Din by looking for similarities between this work and his other works, particularly Mirsad al-Ebad. Due to the similarities found in the use of words, collocations, and phrases; the use of the same hadiths, verses, and poems, which are present in other works by Najm al- Din; as well as the similarity in the topics raised; this treatise can be attributed to Najm al -Din Razi. Considering the goals of this research, a stylistic analysis approach and a historical analysis based on base manuscript were adopted. The editing was done on base manuscript (No. 2996 F) available in National Library of Iran. The results of the research make it clear that this newfound short treatise, containing an initial draft of Mirsad al-Ebad, was most probably authored by Najm al- Din Razi, which was written in the period when he paid homage to his sheikh, Majd al -Din Baghdadi.


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