Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


"Hymn" in Masnavi has an esoteric meaning on the one hand, and an artistic role, on the other hand, which chiefly explains the themes and concepts of the stories. Rumi, in order to express mystical points and to complete his inner thoughts, considers the use of hymn as an effective way to explain the mystical themes of the stories. It should be known which purposes of mystical speech Rumi intends to achieve by using hymns. Accordingly, investigating the role of hymn and its function for a better understanding of the foundations of Masnavi aesthetics, explicating Rumi's mystical views using the interpretative approach of story’s symbolic meanings, and explaning the way of expansion of its concepts according to the rhetorical potential of this literary genre, are the main objectives of the present research. This article, through applying a descriptive method and using content analysis and criticism of research components, evaluates Masnavi hymns in relation to the content of its stories. The results of the research show that prayers change the field of Masnavi aesthetics to a great extent and its use not only expands Rumi's mental findings in new meanings and forms, but also clearly interprets the symbolic and ambiguous concepts of the story based on it.


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