Document Type : Scientific-research


Faculty Member of Persian Language and Literature Department Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


  The Exploration of Semiosis of Aalphabetic Letters in Sanāeī’s Divan   Morteza Heidari[1]                Received: 02/07/2014 Accepted: 22/04/2015     Abstract Sanaei versifies exquisite poems by applying pictorial and compound qualities of alphabetic letters in his Divan. A comprehensive theory that may cover the cultural background of Sanaei’s art and which is able to enfold an inclusive understanding, is an obvious need for studying these qualities. In the present article, the author deals with semiotics of Sanaei’s literal attitude and explains all of his literal poems. The Pierce semiotics theory has a very close relationship with the prevalent rhetorical criticism in Persian language, while it also encompasses a higher interpretative potentiality and helps us reach a more intricate conclusion. In this research, Pierce’s icon, index, symbol, and well known triad and their semiotic transformative process in Sanaei’s Divan are explored. The singular, lineal and involved semiotic processes are the three forms that the author differentiates. The findings show that semiosis of letters of the alphabet in Sanaei’s Divan, has a very easy attribute to its object and interpretation.   Keywords: semiotics, Charles Sanders Pierce, Sanaei, letters of alphabet.
[1] Assistant Professor, Persian language and literature; Payam-e-Noor University.  


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