The investigation of semiosis of  alphabetic letters in Sansyi’s Divan
The investigation of semiosis of alphabetic letters in Sansyi’s Divan

Morteza Hiedari

Volume 6, Issue 11 , September 2014, Pages 7-42

    The Exploration of Semiosis of Aalphabetic Letters in Sanāeī’s Divan   Morteza Heidari[1]                ...  Read More
Transformation of metaphor of Love from Sanai to Rumi
Transformation of metaphor of Love from Sanai to Rumi

S. Mahdi Zarghani; Maryam Ayad

Volume 6, Issue 11 , September 2014, Pages 43-80

  In this paper, we are trying to scrutinize the attitudes of Sanai, Attar and Rumi, as the three milestones in the history of mystical poem, toward the critical concept of Love. The ...  Read More
Narrator function and narrative operation in Attar’s Mossibat-Nameh
Narrator function and narrative operation in Attar’s Mossibat-Nameh

Soona Salimian; Ahmad Goli

Volume 6, Issue 11 , September 2014, Pages 81-122

  Since narration is included in all Persian literature stories, studying fictional works from their specific narrative method point of view would illustrate values and arts lying in ...  Read More
Theoretical Foundations of Mystical Journey in Mashrab-Al-Arvah Roozbahan Baghli
Theoretical Foundations of Mystical Journey in Mashrab-Al-Arvah Roozbahan Baghli

Elham Sayyedan

Volume 6, Issue 11 , September 2014, Pages 123-152

  Roozbahan has offered a completed plan about Mystical Journey in Mashrab-Al-Arvah and has organized his spread ideas in it. He believed that there are thousand stages between traveler ...  Read More
Comparing allegorical narratives of \
Comparing allegorical narratives of \"Elephant in the city of the blind\" from Sanaei and Ghazali with respect to the theory of hypertextuality

Monireh Farzishob; Faezeh Arab Yousefabadi

Volume 6, Issue 11 , September 2014, Pages 153-176

  The allegorical narratives of \"Elephant in the city of the blind\" written by Sanei in his book Hadigh al-Hadigheh are based on Kimiyaye Sa’adat penned by Ghazali. The aim of ...  Read More
Character Analysis \
Character Analysis \"ne\" and \"Hayy\" in molana NyNamh poems and stories and hayy BnYqzan Abn Tofyl

Seyyed mehdi Masboogh; Shahram Delshad

Volume 6, Issue 11 , September 2014, Pages 177-206

  Express their thoughts and ideas, recognizing Islam has always been a symbol of mystery and interest Getting there. So that the works of Shaykh al-Ishraq Sohrevardi mystic and philosopher, ...  Read More