
1 Assistant Professor of Arabic language & literature, Kashan University, Iran

2 MA student of Arabic Language & literature, Kashan University


A way of defamiliarization in language is choosing paradoxical expression which is one of the recognized rules of resurrection of words and is studied in new poetics and linguistics. Arabic literary men were aware of this device. They specially used paradoxical language most in mystic literature. The most important reason for the expansion of paradox in Arabic literature is the emergence of mysticism in literature and also literature development from simplicity to depth.
Through a survey in Divan-e-Kabir by Mohiuddin Ibn Arabi, the mystic of six century, we see paradox more in ascetic mysticism rather than in amorous one. We also find out that the less the distance between two poles of paradox in Ibn Arabi’s Divan, the more his eloquence of speech.
