Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student of Persian language and literature University of Guilan

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Guilan


Discourse analysis and discussed theories in it has provided Background and Suitable substrates to study structures of texts in the recent period.Paul Ricoeur's dialectical discourse is from this kind that focus on text analysis in Beyond the language and emphasis on space and Conceptual background that formed in it.Attar’s elahinameh , is a Persian literary classics work that It’s narrative structure is based on dialogue oriented . Therefore it has Reading ability from this view of discourse. In this research effort that shaped discourses in elahinameh be identified with descriptive – analytic method with discursive approach and at level 1. Structural includes: rational agent, vocabulary distribution, expressive faces and 2.the content of conceptual Foundations in sense and reference, The origin of discourses and silenced sub- discourse formation be examined that a analysis and new reading of the text proportional to the contemporary reader comments be provided. The effect of this view suggest that two discourse oriented world and World aversion that Centered on God and man is formed a dialectical in elahinameh. Three elements patriarchy, authority and knowledge as a source of power and domination of father’s ascetic discourse is detected that increased influence ، Dominance and Domination conquered on both discourse .The integration and differentiation strategies of religion and the world is suggested by two discourses and in Benchmark level according to the father’s Discourse Domination More examples Considered for transparency and convince their children to the doctrinal teachings .
